

JWMAIL ------ Commonly asked questions : What is it ? JWMail is a filing cabinet to help maintain e-mails sent and received using READCIS. What can it do for me ? A list of e-mails is displayed giving details of the sender, subject and date. The list can quickly be navigated. Individual e-mails can be read, deleted or moved into folders. What is a folder ? In order to help keep the filing cabinet tidy you can define up to 10 folders. E-mails can be stored and moved into any folder. Why did you write it ? This one is not soo easy. It really was a combination of reasons. 1. I love using READCIS and JBIS but with the number of e-mails I store I was finding it hard and slow to find individual e-mails. 2. I have bought OPP and wanted a reason to use it. 3. I wanted to see if I could write an application in OPP which looked and felt like a built in application. 4. I was bored. Why would I need it ? I dont know. If you keep a lot of e-mails then you might just find this program a benefit. Will it change my life ? Its a nice thought but I think I will have to say no to that one. It might just make it a little bit easier. How can I thank you ? awwww shucks.. it was nothing <grin>. I would like to thank all those that helped test the early versions. Your help was very much appreciated and your input helped make JWMail a better program than I could have writen on my own. I would also like to thank those that helped me in the CServe Psion Programming forum whenever I hit a problem. I would offer you all some of the royalties but as I'm giving this away it probably wont be worth your whiles getting a percentage. :) Can it get any better ? I'm sure it can. If there is anything you think would make the program more useful let me know. Yeap.. thats right.. its you the user's that will determine how future versions will look. In fact its you the users that will determine whether this program has any future at all... Will you ever write any proper documentation ? "I'm a programmer dammit not an Author!".... My grasp of the English language is surprisingly weak considering where I live. Yes.. obviously I do intend to write a proper manual and maybe even help screens.. I wouldnt hold your breath though.

