

SYSTEM ====== This program, Freeware version 1.0 for the Series 3a/3c, it was written for a friend who's Psion 3c had suffered a failure of the system buttons across the top of the keyboard. Initially I provided a program that would allow a key combination to move control to the System screen, this allowed him to run more then one application at a time! Later I expanded this to include switching to the data and Agenda applications. Now he is back to using his Psion where it was lying unused, soon it will be indespensable again! Installation ============ The zip file should contain the following files: Readme.txt (this file) System.opa (15,123 bytes) 1) To install just copy System.opa to the "\APP\" directory on the internal drive or any Flash disk; 2) From the Psion System screen select the Menu for Apps->Install, select the disk where you placed the opa file in step 1 then select Convert.opa from the "File: Name" list; On running the system switcher a text screen will appear with the details of the key combinations needed to switch between applications. The program will remain running in the background but can be exited using the Delete key from the system screen or the Psion Key+Esc from the program itself. Please note that it is advisable to use the key combination to switch to the program as in some instances additional versions of the program have run. The program does not take much in the way of rescources, however you may notice a slight reduction in performance. The program will be exited when backing up the system. Disclaimer ========== Though every effort has been made to test this program and to ensure that the conversion factors are correct (except the currency rates!) the author can accept no responsibility for any loss or damage caused by the use of this program. Additional Help, Comments and Suggestions ========================================= This version of the program was only designed to replace some of the keys - the most needed ones. However, if you need other keys or different key combinations then please e-mail me at the address below and I can either provide the code, or an updated version of the opa for your specifications. If you have any comments on the program or suggestions for improvments and additions then please e-mail me at: David_N_Steer@GB.COOPERS.COM. Though I may not be able to reply directly, your comments and suggestions will be taken into account.

