

Pengo Ro Home Page by Bohdan Lechnowsky dedicated to my lovely wife, Rosemary The following is taken more or less from the PengoRo Web Page at INTRODUCTION This Version: PengoRo v1.3 Latest Version: PengoRo v1.3 Pengo Ro is a shareware recreation of one of my favorite arcade games of the 80's. The grid size is slightly smaller than on the original but the gameplay is much the same (at least as far as I can remember). This is my second OPL program, but I have been programming games as a hobby since 1981 on computers such as Apple ][, Commodore 64, and Amiga. If there are features you would like to see in Pengo Ro, please feel free to contact me. I programmed Pengo Ro for my lovely wife, Rosemary. I have customized the game to include features she wanted to see. Most features she wanted only took a few minutes to add/modify, so don't be timid in recommending suggestions. Maybe if you register, I'll use the money to buy the Psion Developer Kit. If I do, I'll also be sure to send you the newest version of Pengo Ro after I've converted it to C++ (if you register). There is nothing disabled on this version of Pengo Ro so I am depending on your honesty to register it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ INSTALLATION Make a directory called C:/System/Apps/PengoRo and copy the files extracted from the .zip archive into it. The Readme file can be deleted to save a little space, however. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLAYING PENGO RO Select "PengoRo" from the Extras bar to run Pengo Ro. You will see the opening animation and then the brief instructions on how to play. Press a key and you will then be shown the title screen. Press CTRL-H for instructions on how to setup and start a game. After you select 'Start Game' from the menu, the maze will be shown until you press a key. At that time, the level begins. (HINT: There are over 3250 Worlds of which 3000 are selectable. Each World contains 10 Levels.) If you die on a level, you will have to replay that level over again. You get an extra life on every level divisible by 3 on World 1. After World 1, you only receive an extra life when entering a new World. Level 10 on each World includes a confrontation with the Evil Skua Gull. You will have to avoid the Evil Skua Gull and the SnowBees in order to line up the blocks. When you smash SnowBees with ice blocks, you get the following points based on the numbers of SnowBees smashed with a single block: 1st SnowBee 100 pts. 2nd SnowBee 200 pts. 3rd SnowBee 400 pts. 4th SnowBee 800 pts. You cannot kill the Evil Skua Gull. You receive 1000 pts. for completing each level. SnowBees don't move at full speed until level 10 of World 1 is reached. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ REGISTERING PENGO RO Pengo Ro is Shareware. If you like it and play it, please send me $5 US (or whatever you can afford) at the following address: Bohdan Lechnowsky 6302 Western Ave. Omaha, NE 68132 Pengo Ro has no restrictions and future development relies on your honesty. In return for your registration, I will email you the latest version of Pengo Ro with the latest features and improved gameplay. For an additional $5 US, I will also include the OPL source code so you can learn from it or make code changes for your own personal use. I can email the files in .zip (DOS/Windows) or .lha (Amiga) format. If you would like me to mail the files on a disk, let me know if you would like a PC or Amiga disk and include an extra $5 US. This will also determine whether or not I get the Psion Developer's Kit and continue to develop freeware and shareware software for the Series 5. Also, if you are a user of both Amiga and Series 5 computers, let me know! Thanks for trying Pengo Ro! Send email to Bohdan "Bo" Lechnowsky ( with your comments!


pilowar.isoColl/PENGORO.ZIP →