RPNCalc 1.64 for the Revo, Series 5 and other EPOC machines (SHAREWARE)
Use this software at your own risk. I accept no responsibility
for loss of data.
File Details
The archive file should contain files:
RPNcalc.sis - The program
Readme.txt - Instructions
Once installed. you will see the program consists of the following files:
(all in \System\Apps\RPNcalc\)
RPNcalc.app - The main program file
RPNcalc.hlp - The help file
RPNcalc.aif - The icons used in the System screen
Installing RPNCalc
To install the program simply double-click on the RPNCalc.sis file.
Alternatively, you can copy it to the Psion and install it via the
control panel.
Read the supplied help file, which is accessible from the program.
RPNCalc is shareware. If you like it and wish to continue to use it you
should register it. You may freely distribute RPNCalc as long as all files
in the package are included.
Registering brings a number of benefits. In particular, all your settings
are saved when you exit and restored when you startup (including memory
registers, constants, conversions and formulae). See the help file for details.
Registering (cash preferred) costs £10 UK, $16 US or the equivalent in other foreign
currencies plus 10%.
Send to:
Derek Johnston
14 Roxby Avenue
Cleveland TS14 8LF
Alternatively register online from my web page using the RegNet service.
When registering please make sure the following information is sent:
+ Your correct e-mail address
+ Your name (as you would enter it)
Once you have registered, you will be sent a registration ID which you enter along
with your name (via the Tools/Register menu). This will work for all future versions
of the calculator.
Derek Johnston.
EMAIL: decca@freeuk.com
Homepage: http://home.freeuk.net/decca/
Version 1.64 Released 9/03/2000
These are changes due to user requests, plus a couple of small bug fixes.
Changes to make the use of the financial functions similar to that of the HP12.
Previously, users have had to enter the PV/FV/PMT/RATE/TERM parameters into the
appropriate memory registers. This can still be done, but is less than intuitive.
It now recognises when you have entered or calculated a "new" number and, if so,
stores that into the financial register rather than calculate that particular value.
Thus, if you enter or calculate a new X value and tap, say, "pmt", that value becomes
the pmt value. If you tap "pmt" again, you are calculating the payment based on the
values in the other financial registers. It also alters the memory register display to
that of the value just calculated (which still also appears in the X register).
Unregistered users now have access to the financial functions.
It saves the convert/constant/formula and normal/statistics/financial button sets you
are using (if registered).
I have enlarged the display on the arithmetic operators keys to make it easier to tell
the divide key from the plus key.
I was informed that the German machines have the arithmetic operators marked on the
H J K L key row and not the Y U I O key row. This can now be set via Preferences.
Version 1.63 Released 30/11/99
Restored the ability to to call up the System Task List from the top
of the toolbar.
Fixed the irritating bug that caused the program to pop back to the
foreground (if already foreground) when calling up another app via the
extras bar.
Added a "Clear Stats Data" menu item.
Fixed the "String Too Long" error when performing binary logical operations
with 32-bit unsigned numbers.
Version 1.62 Released 10/11/99
Restored the ability to keep the RPNcalc ini file with the program
if it is installed on Drive D: - this was inadvertently lost at version
Installation is now via a SIS file.
Version 1.61 Released 9/11/99
Some fine tuning to the revamped displays, including the ability to see
all 32 characters of a 32-bit binary display, rather than just 30!
Added a grey striped background to 32-bit binary displays to help
Version 1.6 Released 6/11/99
Completely revamped for the Revo and the growing range of other EPOC
machines. This version no longer needs the "rpnscrn.mbm" file.
Version 1.5 Released 20/9/99
Fixed bug which prevented selection of 8-bit unsigned values.
Version 1.49 Released 21/3/99
Fixed bug with the Y^X function, which did not work if Y was
negative (it gave an "Invalid Arguments" error).
Fixed a recently-introduced bug which caused the wrong key
captions when using the "Set" function (used to set up user-defined
constants and conversions).
Version 1.48 Released 2/2/99
Fixed bugs with the Int and h.mmss functions when using a comma as
a decimal point (rather than a dot).
Adjusted the stack handling with dual-operand logical operations
(such as OR and AND) to consume the stack, as per HP calculators.
Reversed the h.mmss and Inverse h.mmss functions to match HP
calculators - h.mmss now calculates decimal hours to
Version 1.47 Released 4/10/98
Fixed a nasty bug introduced in version 1.45, where RPNcalc loops on overflow
errors, eating up all your memory until it crashes out!
Version 1.46 Released 16/9/98
The primary financial functions (PMT, PV, FV, TERM and RATE) have been rewritten. You
can now solve for any one unknown, given any of the other four (eg it now takes
account of FV when calculating PMT, which previously it did not). Also, calculations
can now be made for payments at the beginning of a period as well as the end.
Optional thousands separator implemented (eg 100,000 displayed rather than 100000).
Version 1.45 Released 10/8/98
Keyboard handler rewritten (as evidenced by the keys appearing to stay pressed
for as long as they are held down by the screen pointer). Now hopefully
Geofox compliant.
Version 1.44 Released 27/7/98
Improved the stack-handling to exactly replicate Hewlett-Packard. Now when
stack lift is enabled, entering ANY VALUE will lift the stack, except for the
two cases of ENTER and CLRX. Thanks to Rene Gysel for pointing this out.
All the app and opo files merged into one app file.
Version 1.43 Released 25/5/98
Added 3 shortcuts at the request of Tadashi Homma as follows: "m" = +/-;
"z" = square root and "x" = 1/x. Key help indicates which keys have shortcuts.
The "z" and "x" match the HP-200LX, and "m" matches the built-in calculator.
Corrected a flaw with the stack-handling of X^Y to Y^X. These are dual-operand
instructions, so should cause the stack to drop, but did not.
Thanks to Dieter Tackmann for pointing this out.
Version 1.42 Released 21/4/98
Maximum formula length increased from 60 characters to 250.
Thanks to Tim Wortley for this suggestion.
Version 1.41 Released 12/3/98
Floating to IEEE hex function added.
Engineering display mode added - requested by Roland Heuberger.
Changed X^Y to Y^X - this matches HP calculators and is more intuitive - thanks
to Marcus Herold for pointing this out.
Fixed MODULUS flaw. eg 70.9 INV INT displays 0.90000000000000006 not 0.9 - this
is acually the value returned by EPOC32. I now calculate the MODULUS (fractional
part) myself. Thanks again to Marcus Herold for telling me about this.
Changed the key logos for square root, cube root and XrootY. X^-2 is not actually
the square root of X, but the reciprocal of it! Thanks to Pappas Sotirios for this
Fixed an error that occurred when setting up key constants - press SET button
- "Set constants keys" - "Set c1 key" - "Select from list 1" - press the "Lists"
button - gives "Subscript or dimension error". I must have broken this in release
1.4. Thanks to Anders Nilsson for noticing this. I am amazed it took two months
to be spotted!
Version 1.4 Released 7/1/98
Rectangular-Polar conversion added.
Decimal hours to hours-mins-secs added, allowing time calculations.
Random number function.
32-bit binary to IEEE floating or DEC VAX F_Float.
Twice as many user-definable Constant/Conversion/Formulae keys.
Cosmetic revamp.
Version 1.3 Released 26/12/97
The calculator can be "flipped" from left-handed to right-handed
(registered users only).
The "inv" key can be locked.
No longer a file-based app (and never should have been!).
Includes a utility to display all ascii codes in the selected number base
(removing the need to also have my Ascii program).
The unregistered restriction that displayed certain functions in an informational
message has been removed. I now feel that there are sufficient benefits obtained
from registering the program, that this restriction is unecessary.
Version 1.2 Released 7/12/97
Fixed stats update bug (X-register was sometimes ignored)
Fixed clock bug - clock now obeys the system setting.
Changed numeric keypad layout due to the requests from users.
Moved the hexadecimal keys to the left and ordered the keys 1,2,3 etc
to be more like a standard numeric keyboard.
Added a feature that lets RPNCalc take over the silkscreen Calc key.
Version 1.1 beta Released 27/10/97
Many improvements: 4 user defined formulae instead of 2, user-definable labels
for the constants, conversions and formulae keys, INT, MOD and % functions,
MAX and MIN statistical functions, financial functions, context help for every
key, much more usable statistical facilities with the ability to view, delete
and modify the stats values, etc.
Version 1.04 Released 16/10/97
Fixed bug due to users setting International-Number decimal-point
to the "comma" character. This prevented registration. Revamped display
to create space for financial-functions. I have released this version prior
to implementation of these functions because of the bug fix.
Version 1.03 Released 10/10/97
Solved the missing "send to background" message when going to another
program from the System Task List.
Version 1.02 Released 9/10/97
Moved stats counter out of M9. Stats count now on key
Version 1.01 Released 9/10/97
Fixed RAD50 bug - shouldn't be allowed in signed mode
Added Hotkey and Escape to background
Version 1.0 beta Released 7/10/97
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