Flying Utilities by Chris Parker
A small collection of flying utilities for the Psion Series 5
Version 5.0, 27 July 1997
1. Create folder "Flying" in the folder "System\Apps\"
2. Copy "FLYING/APP" and FLYING/AIF" into the new folder "System\Apps\Flying\"
3. The new app Flying should now be available under Extras
Running the Utilities.
1. Select Flying from the Extras menu
2. Use the cursor keys or pen to select the program you wish to use or press "Esc" to exit
3. In each utility enter your variables as requested in the dialog box. Pressing "Enter" or selecting OK with the pen displays the result. With the result in view, selecting "Enter" takes you back to the dialog box and retains your previous values, "Esc" exits to the flying programs menu.
The Utilities.
The utilities are:
1. Crosswind. Enter: wind direction, wind speed, runway QDM, crosswind and tailwind limits. Results: crosswind and head/tailwind components, maximum wind strength before crosswind or head/tailwind limits are exceeded (for the given direction).
2. Density Altitude. Enter: airfield elevation, airfield QNH (hPa), outside air temperature (Centigrade). Results: ISA deviation, pressure altitude, density altitude.
3. Equi-Time Point. Enter: leg distance, groundspeed out, groundspeed home, outbound ground speed (groundspeeds out and home are groundspeeds *after* the engine failure or depressurisation, outbound groundspeed is the groundspeed *before* the failure). Results: distance to ETP, time to ETP.
4. Fuel. Enter: fuel units (US gallons, Imperial gallons, pounds, litres, kilograms), fuel quantity, specific gravity (default SG is 0.8). Results: fuel quantity in all units.
5. Point of No Return. Enter: start fuel (any units), reserve fuel, groundspeed out, fuel flow out, groundspeed home, fuel flow home, climb fuel, climb distance, descent fuel, descent distance. Results: distance to PNR, time to PNR, fuel remaining at PNR, return time from PNR. N.B. fuel can be in any units (gallons, 1000s of pounds etc.) but fuel flow must be in the *same* units...
6. Distance/Time/Groundspeed
7. Mach/TAS/OAT
8. VOR Radial Groundspeed/Distance
9. Hydroplaning speed
10. 2-Way Interpolation
11. 4-Way Interpolation
Revision History.
5.0 - First public release of Series 3 conversion.
This application is free, but I retain copyright. Please let me know of any bugs or comments (good or bad) to:
Chris Parker
Email: ChrisParker@CSi.com
www: http://www.hangout.demon.co.uk/
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