AGeneDB Beta Version
AGeneDB - Readme.txt
AGeneDB Version - Beta 1.07
Readme Version - 1.01
Date : 6 October 1998
Author : Andy Clark <andy@arcsoft.freeserve.co.uk)
Web : http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Bay/8826/
This file gives a general overview of what AGeneDB is, how to install
it, and some brief useage instructions. At the end of the file is
information on how to register AGeneDB.
AGeneDB is a genealogical database for the Psion series 5 palmtop
computer. It allows you to view and record details about your family
tree whilst on the move (in libraries, records departments etc..)
AGeneDB can swap data with applications on the PC that can accept
genealogical databases in GedCom format.
The unregistered version of AGeneDB is not limited in any way, but if
you register then I will consider any feature requests you make, and
make your bug reports a higher priority.
First unzip the file agenedb_beta_1_00.zip into a directory on your PC's
(or Mac's) hard drive.
This zip file contains two files:
The first file is a small text file (The one you are reading right now).
If you double click on the .sis file, the Epoc Installer will start up
and ask you if you to select a language to install. This is asking you
which language version of AGeneDB you want to install. Select English,
as AGeneDB is only available in English at the present time.
(the following step only happens if you have a compact flash card
installed on your psion)
When you press enter you will be asked to select a disk to install
AGeneDB on. AGeneDB is not fussy about where you install it, so
select any disk.
Epoc Install will now close any files which you have open (a pain isn't
You are then asked if you really want to install this software.
If you select yes, the files for AGeneDB are copied to your psion.
Epoc Install then asks you if you want to install a sample GedCom file.
If you want to see a ready made genealogical database then select yes,
and you can import this into AGeneDB to see it working.
If you already have your own family tree as a gedcom file then you
probably don't want to install the sample.
That's it, AGeneDB should now be installed!!
When you first start AGeneDB you will see a dialog box asking you
register. When you press the Enter key, the dialog will close and
you will be presented with a blank screen.
Don't Panic at only getting a blank screen.
You can add an individual to the database by using the menus. Now
press the menu key (or choose the top icon from the left hand side
of the Psion's screen).
This menu has the following choices
The Person & Family submenus allow you to add, edit and delete people
(or families) from the database.
As soon as you add a person to the database, the person will appear
on the screen, with "Not known" for the mother and father.
If you want to enter a families details then select the Family menu
from the main menu bar, abd then select New, or select the New Family
button on the toolbar. This will display a dialog in which you can
select people for the mother and father from a list. You can also
add new people to the database, by pressing the "New Person" button.
To add children to the family, go to the "Children" Tab, and press the
"Add Child" button.
In case you hadn't noticed, I haven't quite finished this yet
(But I'm working on it.)
This program is shareware - You can use it free for 30 days, but if
you wish to continue using it after the 30 day period, you must
register it.
At the moment the only ways to register AGeneDB are to send me a
cheque drawn from a UK bank, UK bank notes or a Eurocheque for 20
pounds Sterling.
If you send Bank notes then I cannot accept responsibility if they
are lost in the post.
Please make sure that you send me:
Name (to appear in the about box):
email address: (I can email the registration code to you).
The address to send registration request to is:
Andy Clark
239 Bedford Road,
SG5 2UQ.
You can also register via RegNet by going to the URL
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AGeneDB Beta Version
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AGeneDB Beta Version
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AGeneDB Beta Version
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AGeneDB Beta Version
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AGeneDB Beta Version