

5Xpense Expenses Manager ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Program : 5Xpense Version : 3.9 Author : Palmscape & Simon Berridge email : simon@palmscape.com web page : http://palmscape.com/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Files included: Name Location -------------------------------------------- 5Xpense.aif \System\Apps\5Xpense 5Xpense.app \System\Apps\5Xpense Xpense.hlp \System\Apps\5Xpense Windows.mbm \System\Apps\5Xpense PS.opo \System\OPL PS.mbm \System\OPL GPrinter.opx \System\OPX SysRam1.opx \System\OPX ReadMe.txt This file -------------------------------------------- Installation Instructions --------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are an existing user of 5Xpense please backup and delete your previous version that will be in \System\Apps\Expenses. The file called MainData should be saved and placed in the new 5Xpense folder described in 1. below. This file holds your preferences and can be copied directly. 1. Unpack the Zip file to your PC or your Psion. 2. On the PC: Double click on the file 5Time.SIS. This will start the PC automatic installation of 5Time. On the Psion: Double tap on the file 5Time.SIS. This will start the Psion automatic installation of 5Time. 5Xpense should now be accessible to you from the Extras icon. Run the file which will initialise the database etc. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Registration Sign on to the Palmscape Web Site on http://www.palmscape.com/ and follow the Registration instructions there. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Please register and support software development. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes: Release Date Changes ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 Jul 97 Introduction of help file. CSV output files. Pen pointer support for menu. 28 Jul 97 Changed lists to use allocated memory rather than local variables. Changed windows to show correct graphics. Changed list view windows to stop 'bleeding' of memory. 29 Jul 97 Addition of dated list view. Changes to 'Clearing Data' so that it can be cleared and recovered by date. More efficiient memory useage and some minor changes to windows. 01 Aug 97 Added custom toolbar rather than Psion Toolbar. Release 1.0 placed on Web Page. 04 Aug 97 Released onto Psion Forum. 05 Aug 97 Added decimal places to the currencies file. Changed list views to reflect decimal places. Changed extracts to reflect decimal places. Added extract by date, category or currency. 07 Aug 97 Drill down implemented from the Views. 10 Aug 97 Expanded the buttons to 8. Tidied some bugs in various displays. Released as V1.1. 19 Aug 97 Bugs fixed in the Category area. Delete and Modify caused some conversion errors. Incorporated pen support in the available views. 21 Aug 97 Incorporated Filtered List View. Added the Up and Down selection buttons to the View Windows. Released as V1.2a. 26 Aug 97 Fixed problem in Change Currency. 31 Aug 97 Fixed various problems related to the drop-down lists. Released as V1.3. 10 Sep 97 Introduced printing capability for Outstanding Expenses and Category Values. Tidied up some internal code and allowed for longer file names for the extract files. Released as V2.0. 22 Sep 97 Added the 'Close' button to the view windows. Changed the 'Today&' function to deal with real-time rather than a stored value that does not change. Released as V2.0a. 17 Oct 97 Problem resolved in the Change/Delete Expense when selecting an expense item that has a comma within the description. Now replaced (for selection purposes only) with a semi-colon. Released as V2.0b. 21 Oct 97 Added ability to modify (change) an expense entry from the List Expenses option by a double tap. More bug fixes for the drop-down lists. Released as V2.0c. 29 Oct 97 Significant changes. Multi-databases now supported. Allows for the creation of more than one file of Expense items. Introduction (by user request) of Payment Types. Some minor bug fixes. Released as V3.0. 18 Nov 97 Completely rewritten printing routines to take advantage of Andy Clarkson's GPRINTER.OPX. Addition of new Date Range extract for expense print. Released as V3.1. 06 Jan 98 Sign on changes. Currency changes, can now change currency from drill- down menu. Checking for default data directory removed. Released as V3.2. 19 Jan 98 Bug fix in the printing module. Released as V3.3. 18 Apr 98 American and English date format included. Print By Currency added. Print by category added. Packaged for Palmscape. Released as V3.4. 17 May 98 Bug fixes in the Directory area. New Palmscape logo which does not need a key press to close. Released as V3.5. 25 May 98 Basic data directory not initialised for new install. Corrected in this version. Incorrect handling of decimal separator if set in control panel. Now fixed. Released as V3.6. 08 Jul 98 Changes to the Windows handling routines. Released as V3.7. 14 Sep 98 Deletion of Category subsequent error fixed. List selection error fixed. Payment Type included in Extract routine. Help file changed to reflect CSV extension rather than TXT extension. Released as V3.8 22 Sep 98 Some bugs reported in CSV output which were caused by some changes I introduced in V3.8. These have now been fixed. Released as V3.9 -----------------------------------------------------------------------


pilowar.isoColl/5XPN39S.ZIP → 5xpense.SIS