StopWatch V2.1a for the Psion Series 5 (C) DCR SoftWare '97
The UID for this program is 1000048E
Released as freeware in August/September '97
To install StopWatch:
1) Make sure the \System folder is shown on your Series 5 system screen.
If it's not, enable it in the 'Preferences' dialog.
2) Go into \System\Apps and make a new folder called "StopWatch"
3) Using PsiWin, copy across all the files from this distribution into
the new \System\Apps\StopWatch folder.
4) That's it! There will be a new icon on your Extras bar.
How to use StopWatch:
At the beginning you have to choose between Add Timer, Lap timer
and Countdown Timer
- The Lap Timer stores lap times. Up to 20 lap times can be displayed and saved.
- The Add Timer adds up time. Up to 20 added times can be displayed and saved.
I use Add Timer to keep an exact record of journey times.
For longer journeys switch on SLEEP MODE to save battery!!!
- The Countdown Timer does exactly what it's name says!!!
To start the clock press "S" on the keyboard or "Menu" for further options.
The Menu options are:
- Continue > Returns to StopWatch.
- Reset > Resets the whole clock.
- Set Alarm > To set an alarm between 1 sec and 24 hrs.
This option is not very serious. I use it
in my photo lab or to boil eggs ...etc.
The alarm doesn't work in SLEEP MODE.
[Only available before clock is started]
- Sleep Mode> In case the clock runs for hours and you want
to save battery. For example to keep trace of
how long a journey takes, just turn on the Sleep Mode.
Now you can switch StopWatch into background and work
with other apps without wasting battery power.
To reactivate StopWatch just move StopWatch back
to the screen and press ESC.
[Only available when clock runs]
- Save Lap > Stores Lap Times or Add Times into an
/Add ASCII file called LapTime or AddTime.
Filename can be changed.
[Only available when clock runs]
This file can be copied into other apps by using the
Import Option (Word,etc).
The easiest way to access LapTime files through other
apps is, by coping the file(s) into the Documents folder.
- Exit > Quits the app and saves laptimes into a file
called LapTime
After you pressed "S" and starting the clock you can choose between:
Lap Timer:
a) Stop the clock (press "S" on keyboard).
b) To get the lap time (press "L" on keyboard). The first 20 lap times
will be displayed in a special area. Best lap time is now displayed separately.
After you pressed "L" the second digit display resets and displays the new
lap time .
Add Timer:
a) Stop the clock (press "S" on keyboard).
b) To add time (press "A" on keyboard). The first 20 added times
will be displayed in a special area.
After you pressed "A" the second digit display changes into grey and stops.
Press "A" a second time and the Add Timer becomes black and starts again.
Countdown Timer:
a) Stop the clock (Press "S" on keyboard).
To quit StopWatch at any time... press Ctrl+E.
Hotkeys during clock runs:
Ctrl+s > Sleep Mode
Ctrl+l > Stores Lap/Add times
Ctrl+e > Quits StopWatch
Update Report
StopWatch V1.8a - Timing problems solved
StopWatch V2.0a - New Add Timer added
StopWatch V2.0c - Bugfix (pressed keys react know as they should!!)
StopWatch V2.0d - Minor changes
StopWatch V2.1a - Countdown Timer included
IMPORTANT: If you aren't using Win 95 to unzip SWatch.zip, please make sure that after
unzipping, the folder name and filenames on your Psion 5 are the same as
described above!!!!! ( If needed, use RENAME OPTION on your Psion 5 )
For support.... send an E-mail to: roennau.dcr@cww.de
That's all folks...
Dirk C Roennau
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