Welcome to psAddle - a numbers strategy game from _the_ quality software house that's
100% dedicated to freeware.
What is psAddle?
It's the game of Addle ported to the Psion (see the Acknowledgements section below).
psAddle is a simple but addictive numbers strategy game played against the Psion.
There are 3 difficulty levels: Easy, Normal, and Hard - and also a 2-Player mode for
2 people to play against each other.
Game objectives
1) Beat the Psion's Score by as much as possible
2) Improve upon your own Best Score for that level
3) Beat the Psion's Best Score and number of Wins
Start by taking any 'highlighted' number from the grid (i.e. tap on one of the cells
in the raised line on the grid). The Psion¹ then has to select from the column/row
you've chosen. The game is over when either player cannot move or all the numbers
have been used up.
NB: ¹ - or the other player in 2-Player mode.
See the psAddle help file (accessed from the game) for full details of how to play,
scoring, etc.
psAddle was originally written for the Psion by John Peat (john@peatj.demon.co.uk)
and he supported it up to v1.01b. Unfortunately - due to other committments - John
was not able to continue to support or develop his programs as he would have liked.
Consequently, FreEPOC have agreed to take over John's programs. And in the case of
psAddle, that means me!
psAddle is compatible with the revo, mako, Psion Series 5, 5mx, Series 7, netBook,
MC218, Osaris, and Geofox.
* Note: If you have John Peat's original version of psAddle installed, I would *
* recommend removing it before installing this latest version. This because *
* not all of the files in the original version are re-used and (since it wasn't *
* originally distributed as a .sis installation) they will not be deleted by *
* the new version. *
psAddle.zip contains 4 files. ReadMe.txt (i.e. this file!), psAddle.sis,
Systinfo.sis, and Sysram1.sis. psAddle.sis, Systinfo.sis, and Sysram1.sis install
using the standard EPOC installer (either from your PC or on the Psion itself -
see Psion's own web site for details). NB: These are the latest (ER5) versions of
Systinfo.sis and Sysram1.sis and must be installed for VoiceMan5 to work - make
sure that you don't have any old (ER3) versions on your machine.
"Incompatible opx version" during installation
If you should get this error when you're installing Systinfo.sis or Sysram1.sis
(which contain their respective opx files) then one of two possible things could
be the problem:-
1) You've got an older version of Systinfo.opx or Sysram1.sis on your machine
causing conflict with a newer one. Symbian released new versions of the
Systinfo.opx and Sysram1.opx files for ER5/5mx compatibility. The new files will
work fine on the S5 and Geofox as well as the newer machines - but all machines
appear to get confused if there's a copy of the old Systinfo.opx or Sysram1.opx
files on the machine somewhere as well as the new one(s).
Hence I'd recommend checking for old versions of these files either in
c:/system/opx/ or d:/system/opx/ before installing the new versions. BTW, old
apps. will work fine with these newer versions.
2) That you've got a program already running that's using these opx's when you try
to install them (e.g. Macro5). Close down all running programs before the
Standard disclaimer
Whilst I have tested psAddle carefully, I cannot and do not give - or imply - any
sort of warranty with it. Nor will I accept responsibility for any data lost or
damage caused as a result of using psAddle... I.e. use at your own risk!
Any updates will be via the FreEPOC and Pscience5 web sites at:
Best regards,
Martin Guthrie, June 2001
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