

Program: Utilities Usage: Wide and varied Version: 5.03ƒ Author: Daniel Status: Shareware Official UID: &100004F2 Registration fee: £12 / SWREG & SWREGNET $25 Instalation ----------- 1. Make a directory called Utilities in your \System\Apps\ directory. (Make sure that the System folder is shown, if not make it show from the Preferences dialog Ctrl+K) 2. Copy the files Utilites.aif, Utilities.app, Utilities.hlp and Utilities.mbm 3. Make sure the files are named properly as shown above. 4. Run Utilities from the extra's bar and see what you think. 5. Then register it and become a realy good person. :-} Registration ------------ Utilities is shareware NOT free software, if you continue to use Utilities you MUST regsiter. Registering removes the nag screens and your guilty conscience, it also allows full access to all of the features in Utilities. You can register in one of the following ways: Send £12 to Daniel Sissman, 13 Garth Road, Moortown, Leeds, LS17 5BQ, Great Britian. OR On CompuServe, use GO SWREG id. no. 16238 OR With a Credit Card, use http://www.swregnet.com/1463p.htm Which ever option that you choose to register Utilities, you MUST send me your Psion's unique identifier, it can be found in the System screen by pressing Shift+Ctrl+Q. This brings up the Machine Information dialog the Unique Identifier is show near the bottom of the dialog. Or you can find your machines Unique identifier at the end of the title in the Utilities nag screen where it says "Your Psion's UID: ........". If you decide to post me the registration fee you should include your Psions UID in the envolope, or if you use SWREG or SWREGNET you can email it to me, my email and postal addresses are above and below this section. Make sure that it is neatly written down, or preferably printed out from a word processor for example. It is very important that you send me the correct UID because if it is wrong the registration code will also be wrong, so please take the time to get it right. As soon as I recieve notification that you have registered I will promptly send you your registration code. Your registration code is as unique as your Psions uniquie identifier and your code will only allow your copy of Utilities to work on your computer, so don't worry about people copying it because it won't work on their Psion. Please send any comments or suggestions to; DanielsPsionSoftware@Compuserve.com OR 106644.617@compuserve.com OR 14 Garth Road, Moortown, Leeds, LS17 5BQ, West Yorkshire, England, Great Britian. Now the boring legal bit :-( Disclaimer ---------- I the author cannot and will not accept any responsibility for damage of any kind caused by the use of this application, including loss of data, loss of money/buisness, loss of hair , loss of your sainity and basicaly anything else you could loose from the use of this application. There is NO warranty of any kind, and I will not be held liable for any damage. Having said that I have tested the application as much as is posible during normal use and I have not had any troble with it at all, but if any damage does occur it is not my fault.




pilowar.isoColl/utilities.zip → Utilities.sis


pilowar.isoColl/utilities_siss.zip → Utilities.sis


pilowar.isoColl/UTILS5.ZIP → Utilities.app