

CixEd 2.821 A Off-Line Reader for Compulink Information eXchange (CiX) for the Psion series 5 handheld computer. Originally written by Steve Litchfield - and released as freeware complete with source in OPL. Contributions from : Mark Fleeming - Steve Martin - Tony Crocker - Paul Wakeford - and many others on Cix/general and Cix/development Third party OPX's used Spell1.opx (c) Otfried Cheong File descriptions Files REQUIRED to run CixEd 2.821 These files should be installed in either C or D drive in the SYSTEM/APPS/CIXED/ folder Application file CixEd.aif Application information file CixEd.mbm Buttons bitmap file CixEd.scr Comms script CixEd.hlp (Optional) Help file This file should be installed in your SYSTEM/OPX folder Spell1.opx Spelling checker opx This file should be installed in your DOCUMENTS/ folder Readme This document in Psion Word Additional source files (NOT REQUIRED) These files can be placed in any folder i.e. C/OPL/CIXED/ CixEd.opl OPL source code CixEdIcon.mbm Application icon bitmap Readme.txt This document PC format ** NOTE ** NOTE ** NOTE ** NOTE ** NOTE ** NOTE ** NOTE ** Version 2.821 of Cixed will delete old versions (2.75 and below) of the preferences file and ask you to reenter your data. This does not affect the settings, password or addresses files. To add the new preference settings the only way was to add another file or update some of the original ones. I'm afraid I opted for the last option, but it should not cause any problems. ** NOTE ** NOTE ** NOTE ** NOTE ** NOTE ** NOTE ** NOTE ** *************** Additions in version 2.821 *************** 1).Bug fixes and general improvements 2).Multiple sigs added. Allows different sigs for each topic - Steve Martin 3).Quote button added to new message dialogs, increases speed and leaves the clipboard alone. 4).Remove D/L files list on completed conferencing blink 5).Added shortcut for decoding attachments 6).Auto close of Link when blink started - Tony Crocker 7).Step back to previous topic when reading confs. (Del) 8).Ctrl-RightArrow - Skip to next topic leaving current topic messages unread on read all new messages 9).Enter and Space move on one message - same as RightArrow etc 10).Fully searchable archive. Archive can be located on the D drive. 11).Message delete facility. 12).Download flists to topics, and flist viewer. 13).User selectable message font. 3 to choose from. *********************** Bugs ************************* Please report all bugs to the Cixed/development conf. Don't email me or Steve directly as others may have contributions to make. I will always endeavour to reply to conf messages as soon as possible when required. Errors in code are now trapped, and a dialog is presented indicating the routine where the error occured. Please quote the contents of this dialog and all key presses/events leading up to the error when reporting the problem. Both Steve and myself have jobs which keep us fully occupied putting food on the table; development of CixEd/PsiCix is done in our spare time, so please be patient. ******************** WISH LIST *********************** 1).Add switchable button bars, scrollbars and toolbar (PsiCix) 2).Full message threading (PsiCix) 3).Search facility for text in messages for whole messagebase (PsiCix) 4).Graphical display of threads structure (PsiCix) 5).Max topics to be unlimited 6).Max message size to be unlimited 7).CixBill facility 8).Copy marked text from any screen to clipboard (2.84) 9).Hot links to messages from within messages (2.84) 10).Mime attachment decoding for mail 11).Pending bin for messages requiring further attention (2.84) ******************** THE FUTURE ********************** Work has started on a new version now called PsiCix. This version will be a substantial upgrade to the existing CixEd code using a single data file for each topic, instead of one file per message, and fully indexed to enable thread traversal and message bookmarking. Single topic files will also speed up the filing system and backups. Hopefully, proper message threading, spell checking, printing, exporting messages, proper clipboard implementation will all form a part of the new application. Regards Mark Fleeming




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