

=========================================== Crackshot - V 0.8b for the Psion Series 5 =========================================== The classic artillery game, only more devastating. ============ INSTALLATION ============ Turn on your Series 5, ****If you've downloaded it to your PC**** Unzip the file. Using PsiWin, move all the files to (except the README) C:\System\Apps\Crackshot...e.g. you'll now have the directories C:\System\Apps\Crackshot..., ****If you downloaded it directly into the Psion**** Unzip the file into a temporary directory. Create a 'Crackshot' subdirectory in the C:\System\Apps\ path, then move all the files into this directory. Delete the Readme file. Pressing the 'Extras' button (bottom right of screen) will now reveal the program icon, select it to begin. If you have difficulty with installation, re-read and carefully follow the above instructions, you have probably put the files in the wrong place, or named the folder incorrectly. NOTE: I have not yet implimented D: drive support. =========== HOW TO PLAY =========== The Menu has a list of the player keys. There are some basic tactics: -use ground damage to impede a players movement. -use balloons to limit damage when critical hits are imminent. Your shots as well as your opponents CAN cause damage to your armor. Occasionally your engineers will be able to fill the damaged terrain. Your tank also has the ability to fill a small amount of terrain but it is very time consuming (to do so move the tank forward as far as possible). ========= Weapons ========= -Currently you have a cannon, nuclear warheads, and balloons. Cannon, general all purpose, unlimited ammunition. Nuclear warheads, you have five warheads, severe damage, excellent for clearing obstacles (balloons and terrain). Balloons, defensive; will air burst at an appropriate altitude (you'll get the "hang" of it). More on the way! ============ REGISTRATION ============ Full instructions on how to register are given within the program, just select 'Register' from the menu. When you register you will receive a registration code via email, this code will eliminate the NAG screens as well as encourage me to maintain the game. As it stands, I have several changes planned for the game in the near future. With your registration you will automatically receive upgrades by email. ================= IF YOU FIND A BUG ================= Please report in as much detail as possible to: or Please make sure that you have the latest version of this program. Have fun! =================== Version History: ==================== v0.7 first released 1/15/98 v0.7b slight modification in Computer player AI. v0.8 released 1/25/98 - New tanks, I will be implementing this tank style for the future interations. - Improved graphic performance; trajectory and movement are faster. - Computer "AI" enhanced. v0.8b - Fuel bug fixed - terrain fills more frequently


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