

JTelnet - A telnet client for EPOC Version 1.1 * Introduction JTelnet is a simple telnet client, suitable for any EPOC device designed to be compatible with the Psion Series 5. * Getting Started JTelnet requires networking software compatible with internet protocols to be available on your system. This is usually installed in your machine's ROM, however for the Psion Series 5 that means installing the Message Suite package. This is available from http://www.psion.com/ If you are not familiar with installing sis files, please review the instructions at my web site: http://www.mcaleely.com/freeware/ To install JTelnet via your Windows PC simply double click JTelnet.sis and follow the on-screen prompts. For other systems, copy JTelnet.sis to the machine you wish to install on and then open it. Follow the prompts to complete the installation. * The latest version can be found at: http://www.mcaleely.com/freeware/ * Whats New in Version 1.1 - Some bugfixes for panics during some connections. - Better integration with the networking system. * Legal Stuff JTelnet is freeware. It may contain bugs, so you must use it at your own risk. It is copyright John McAleely, 1998-1999. Enjoy! John McAleely freeware@mcaleely.com


pilowar.isoColl/JTelnet.zip → JTelnet.sis