Procyon X Pro
PROCYON X - 1.01
Official Release date: September 6, 1998
For several years, PROCYON is the most extensive Astronomy program for the
Series 3a/3c. With the release of the Series 5, many requests came to port
the program for the new Psion machine. Here we release the first (and only)
astronomy program for the Series 5 and call it PROCYON X.
PROCYON X: the neXt generation
With this version, we start a new generation of PROCYON X that takes full
advantage of the Series 5.
* You can identify many objects just by pointing at them.
* Much higher precision
* No more memory constraints like the Psion 3a/c so we have put in even
more astronomy gizmo's.
* Faster rebuild of the universe (but we cannot take credit for that).
For further news on the development of PROCYON X, consult our homepage:
The Light version of PROCYON X is free for non-commercial use and can be
considered freeware. However, you can also see this version as a shareware
program and once you register you will have added benefits. For details,
look at the above-mentioned homepage.
PROCYON X installation is the same like every other well-behaved program.
Make sure you can see the SYSTEM directory on your Psion 5.
Go to either C:\System\Apps\ or D:\System\Apps\
'Make a new folder' and name it PROCYON
Do not change this name or else you will not see the program on the Extra's bar.
Copy all the files into this directory.
When you press the 'Extras' button, a PROCYON X Icon will appear.
Be careful to copy only the files to your Psion 5 (do not convert them), as
they are already in the Psion 5 native format.
If your Psion uses a comma ',' to separate decimals as in 2,03 then you have
to switch your decimal separator to dot instead of the comma therefore,
PROCYON recognizes 2.03 as 2+(3/100) instead of 2030.
For more information, copy the File PROCYON.HLP to your Psion 5 and double-tap
the file to read.
UPDATING from Version 1.00 to V.1.01
After installing the new PROCYON.APP and the PROCYON.AIF you must delete
the old PROCYON.INI file. After starting V.1.01 the program will generate
a new INI file when the program is closed.
You are currently using the Light version of PROCYON X.
This version is FREEWARE. You can use this version in its present state for
free for as long as you like and you do not need to register to keep using it.
However, it is your choice to consider this version as SHAREWARE and register
to receive a 5PROCYON.KEY file. This file switches the Freeware version into
the Registered PRO version. You will also need the separately available
Auxiliary pack with extra databases.
Registration is a one-time process, once you receive you 5PROCYON.KEY file in
your email (it's one a few bytes) you copy this to the same directory
containing all the files.
Every new version of PROCYON X will detect this Key-file and switch to PRO
mode. Therefore, all future versions are free, once registered.
Of course, you can also get all future PROCYON X Light versions for free.
Differences between the LIGHT and the PRO version.
* You can search for any specific Constellations.
* Calculate when the Jovian Red Spot is visible and watch the Red Spot on the
face of Jupiter. You can adjust the value of the latitude of the Red Spot.
* You can establish the dates of Lunar Eclipse and view the Moon in the shadow
of the Earth.
* Real pictures of all Messier-nebulae instead of only a picture representing
the type.
* Search all objects of the NGC Catalogue instead of only the first 100 in the
Light version.
* High precision mode up to a few arc-seconds (see 0.99 additions).
* Yale-database extended to magnitude 5 instead of 4 in the Light version.
* Reference Stars in the Zoom-window up to magnitude 7.
* Constellations names in Main-view and Zenith-view.
You can register at the following places:
* REGSOFT (# 4583) $30 http://www.RegSoft.com ID 4584
* REGNET (# 1703) $35 http://www.swregnet.com/1703p.htm ID 1703
* COMPUSERVE (#16551) $30 GO SWREG ID16651
Version 0.42 beta and before
* Porting of the program to the new Psion 5.
* Addition of several extra options because we no longer suffer from memory
* Added Psion 5 'look and feel'
* Added several Pen-tapping features
Version 0.99r
* There are corrections made for Lighttime, Precession, and Lunar-Parallax.
a multitude of additional terms boost the precision to within the planetary
disc and most of the time the maximal aberration will be within two
* Bug in constellations solved there are now 88 constellations, previous
versions had 89 constellation but did correctly manage this.
* Pen-tap identifies in the Zoom-window
* Pen-tap identifies in the Zenith-view
* Auto-detection of correct decimal separator
* In previous versions you could not identify stars using the Zenith View, this
is now solved
* Improved appearance of Zenith-view
* Inclusion of all objects in Zenith-view
* Improved status-display and file-checking during installation
* Slight improvement in the time required for a complete build
* Lots of cosmetic improvements to the Psion 5 'look and feel'
* The Zoom window shows an inverted view
* Automatic creation of Procyon.ini file
* [PRO] Automatic build-up of Reference Stars in Zoom-window
* [PRO] This (and future) PRO versions has greatly enhanced precision.
* [PRO] Choose the magnitude limit of the Messier-items
Version 0.99s
* Fixed the instance when a Jovian moon moved in front of Jupiter it's position
wouldn't be accurate
* Greatly enlarged the locations on Earth you can choose from
* Times for Full/New Moon are now correctly displayed UT
* Algol graphical display has been enlarged because it was previously cropped
Version 1.00
* Fixed problem with rise/set when location had a high latitude.
* Fixed minor graphical problems.
* [PRO] Added constellation names visible in Main- and Zenith-view.
* Menu-key would sometimes not function properly
* Fixes auto-rebuild
* Batteries no longer drain when Procyon X is idle
* Shows name of Planets and Messier when zooming in
* Jovian Moons display is more accurate
* Procyon X does now close when PsiWin initiates a Backup
* Normal keys are recognized and act the same as using hot-keys
Version 1.01
* Sky drawing with North in the middle of the screen
* Improved Zoom option
* Planet identification via initials
* Bug in conjunction option fixed
* Ecliptic drawing improved
* Default longitude value of the Jovian Red Spot adjusted and graphics improved
* Saturn graphics improved
Pedro van Can and John Sussenbach, September 1998
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Procyon X