

5Pic Copyright Richard Wakelin Jan 1998 5Pic is a Series 3x pic file viewer for your Series 5. Use 5Pic to view your old Series 3/a/c/Siena pic files and save them to Series 5 mbm format. Included in the zip file are screen shots from three previous generations of Psion computers. The MC400 laptop, The Psion Series 3 and the Psion Series 3c (note that the largest of these files takes about 3 minutes to load). Installation ************ The following files are essential 5Pic.app 5Pic.aif 5Pic.mbm 5Pic.hlp (Optional help file) Install these files in a System\Apps\5Pic folder MC400.pic Serie3.pic s3c.pic Optional pic files for you to look at. Possible Uses for 5Pic *********************** 5Pic will mainly be of use to Series 3x owners (or previous owners) who have pic files they wish to convert to mbm format. Even if you have no pic files you can find hundreds of examples at various web sites. 5Pic is freeware. Please redistribute the original zip file.


pilowar.isoColl/5PIC.ZIP → 5Pic.app