

Thanks for using PSolly V1.0! PSolly is a version of Klondike solitaire for the Psion Series 5. For usage information, see the included Help system. This full-function, non-expiring version of PSolly is being made available as freeware. If you enjoy PSolly and want to show your support for the freeware concept, please send a postcard, with a picture of your locale, to: Waysoft 900 Bush St. #808 San Francisco, CA 94109 USA For information about the latest version of PSolly, and downloads, please check INSTALLING PSOLLY ------------------ 1. Unzip (You probably did that already, to get this readme file.) 2. On the Psion, make sure that "Show 'System' Folder" is selected on the System Menu - Tools / Preferences. 3. On the Psion, create a new "\System\Apps\PSolly" folder, on either C: or D: 4. Using PsiWin, copy these unzipped files from your PC, to the newly-created PSolly folder on the Psion: psolly.aif psolly.hlp psolly.mbm Note: if you see any "Copy FIle" dialogs, press the "Copy Only" button. 5. PSolly should now appear in your "Extras" menu. It should not be necessary to remove any previous version of PSolly before installing this version. UNINSTALLING PSOLLY -------------------- If you need to uninstall PSolly, simply delete the System\Apps\PSolly folder. HISTORY -------- 12/28/97 - V1.0 released, incorporating several fixes 12/01/97 - Beta 1 released FEEDBACK --------- Please sends any comments and questions relating to PSolly to: <> and visit <> regularly to learn about updates to PSolly. THANKS and ENJOY!


pilowar.isoColl/PSOLLY.ZIP →