Solitaire DX


***************************************************************************** Solitaire Deluxe ***************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 1998-1999 FatCatz Freeware Version 1.12 Modified: 99/12/24 Table of contents 1. File contents 2. Introduction 3. Upgrading 4. Installation 5. What's new ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. FILE CONTENTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The compressed file contains 5 files: SolitaireDX.sis lisezmoi.txt liesmich.txt leggimi.txt readme.txt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. INTRODUCTION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solitaire Deluxe is the ultimate solitaire card system for EPOC, it uses a plug-in system to allow you to just 'Plug and Play' solitare games. When new plug-ins become available you just install the new files and play, Solitaire Deluxe will detect new plug-ins automatically. Plug-ins save space and give you a simple common interface. Best of all Solitaire Deluxe is FREEWARE! If you like it and have a web site please add a link to our site so even more people can enjoy it. More plug-ins can be found on our site all free for you to download. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. UPGRADING ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you are installing over version 1.11, or are installing it for the first time, then go to topic 4. If you are upgrading from a previous version, 1.10 or earlier, _make_ sure you delete the directory System\Apps\SolDX including all files in it. If you wish to keep your best time records then move all the *.hst files into a temporary directory. You will also need to re-install the plug-ins once the new version is installed. You can now install the latest version of Solitare Deluxe safely by following Section 4. Once installation is completed remember to move your *.hst files back to the newly created directory C:\System\Apps\SolitaireDX, if you have installed Soiltare Deluxe on the D drive then you must create this directory (in the C drive) and move the *.hst files into this directory. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. INSTALLATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. There are 2 methods to install Solitaire Deluxe depending on where you have copied the .sis file and what setup you have; - On a PC with PsiWin From the Windows Explorer double click the .sis file, this will automatically install Solitaire Deluxe onto your machine. If that doesn't work right click the My Psion icon and click the Install New Program option. If you do not have the Install New Program option then download setup.exe from our site or from Psion's site <> install it and try again. - On a EPOC machine Tap the .sis file to install, if this does not work then you do not have the Add/Remove utility, in this case download instexe.exe from our site, or psion's site <> and copy it to your machine and try again. 2. Now press Extras|Solitaire DX, to play. 3. To uninstall goto the Control Panel, tap the Add/Remove icon, select Solitaire DX and finally press the Remove button. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5. WHAT'S NEW ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.12 Fixed the Preferences dialog bug Help file re-written. 1.10 Help file re-written. Many cosmetic changes. Help bug fixed - help file did not return back to Solitaire Deluxe. Memory leak fixed - Solitaire Deluxe does not slow down anymore. Now distributed as a SIS file for easy installation. 1.02 Faster card dealing, dealing speed is now increased by 200%! Card graphic files optimised to save disk space. 1.01 Geofox compatible. Bug fix - Solitaire Deluxe can now install on the D drive. 1.00 First release of Solitaire Deluxe For the latest version of Solitaire Deluxe and to download more plug-ins visit: Enjoy FatCatz


pilowar.isoColl/SDELUXE.ZIP → SolitaireDX.sis
pilowar.isoColl/SOLDX112.ZIP → SolitaireDX.sis


pilowar.isoColl/SOL102EN.ZIP → SolDX/
pilowar.isoColl/SOL100EN.ZIP → SOLDX.APP