

FORTUNE V1.0 (Psion 5) ====================== "Fortune" will be familiar to anyone who has a Unix background. It simply presents you with a random quotation (a "fortune cookie") every time you switch on your Psion. Words of wit, wisdom, insight or just nonsense... The program comes with a small database of some of my favourite quotations. This is in Data format so you can edit it to reflect your own personal philosophy of life! INSTALLATION ============ 1) From the system screen menu, ensure that "Show hidden files" and "Show 'System' folder" are both checked. (These are under Tools- Preferences). 2) Make a new directory \System\Apps\Fortune. 3) Copy all files from the distribution except this one (readme.txt) into the new folder. "Fortune" should now appear on the extras bar. Select this and the 'About' screen will come up. Close the dialogue and that's it - you will now be given a random quotation whenever your Psion is switched on. You can also receive an "ad-hoc" cookie by bringing the program to the foreground. CONFIGURATION ============= I thoroughly expect you to configure the data file to your own preferences! "cookie.dat" is in Data format and can be opened accordingly. The only special field is the final one, "source". If present, this is printed right justified with a separator above it. RELEASE HISTORY =============== 1/2/1998 1.0 Initial release. KNOWN BUGS & LIMITATIONS ======================== FORT0001 LOW Uses OPL16 "POS" and "POSITION" commands, so will fail on an abnormally large database. FREEWARE ======== This program is freeware - my reward is inflicting my choice of initial quotations on you! I would however welcome email saying what you like and don't like about the program. I am If your email bounces, see my email policy on my web site. For further information along with the latest versions of this and other programs, please visit my web site: Thank you. - Trevor Mendham


pilowar.isoColl/FORT10.ZIP → FORTUNE.APP