

WeekList by Simon Jacobs. This is a small program which lets you plan your time. It is meant to give an overview of your plans and does not store details of individual appointments. It will display a list of weeks with a line of text for each week. eg. 13 Apr 1998 Revise for exams 20 Apr 1998 Revise for exams 27 Apr 1998 Take and fail exams etc. It also allows text for individual days but this is limited to four letters a day. You can enter more but the display will be a mess. eg. 13 Apr 1998 M[text] T[text] W[text] T[text] F[text] S[text] S[text] 20 Apr 1998 M[text] T[text] W[text] T[text] F[text] S[text] S[text] etc. The program interface is text only with single letter commands. It is very easy to use, just type the required letter and press enter. To install just copy the two WeekList.*** files to the folder C:\System\Apps\WeekList then run the program from the extras bar.When you run the program from the extras bar it will create a new file in C:\Documents (it will ask for a filename). After you have created a file start the program by opening the file. If you open the program from the extras bar it will create another file. At the beginning of each new week the old week will automatically be deleted from the file (as soon as you open the program). If you have any comments about this program please email weekplan@sjacobs.demon.co.uk I am releasing this program as Freeware. I *think* that it works (I am using it myself) but I cannot guarantee it. You use it at your own risk. If you do notice a problem with it then email me and I will fix it. Simon Jacobs.

