T3D Test
Program Details
Name : T3D Test
Version : 1.00
Release Date : July 1999
Copyright : J.D Medhurst, 1999
EMail : tixy3d@neuon.com
WWW : http://www.neuon.com
Files included on disk
T3D Test.sis Software installation file
ReadMe.txt This file
Installation Instructions
Ensure that the "EPOC Install" control panel extension is installed on
your machine. Details are available on the NEUON website
About T3D Test
T3DTest is a demo program to illustrate the Tixy 3D graphics library in action.
It shows a demonstration scene and also contains a couple of 3D models that you
can load and view. (See the 'File' menu.) There are quite a few settings that you
can alter and the 'Help' screen gives details of which keys are used to move the
camera (viewpoint) around.
The 'Show info' option will give stats on how many polygons and models are
being drawn and the speed in frames per second, (FPS). The polygon and model
counts are given as: 'Number Visible' / 'Number Calculated For Viewing'.
If you have any 3DStudio files (*.3DS) then you can 'Import' these and view
them. Some notes on this:
* If they are very large then they can take several seconds to draw so you
will probably want to turn on the 'Outline view' to speed up camera movement.
* If you select gouraud shading for large models it can take a long time to do
the initial calculations; once these are over then the model draws almost as
fast as with flat shading.
* Importing textures is not available in the public test version.
The software is protected by copyright law and international treaty
provisions. You acknowledge that no title to the intellectual property
in the software is transferred to you. You further acknowledge that
title and full ownership rights to the software will remain the
exclusive property of J.D Medhurst, and you will not acquire
any rights to the software except as expressly set forth in this
license. You agree that any copies of the software will contain the
same proprietary notices which appear on and in the software.
I do not warrant that the software is error free. I have tested T3D Test
extensively and have found no problems. There is no liability for
consequential damages. In no event shall I be liable to you for any
consequential, special, incidental or indirect damages of any kind
arising out of the delivery, performance or use of the software, even
if I have been advised of the possibility of such damages.
If you install and use this software, you are agreeing to the above
mentioned points.
T3D Test is copyright (c) J.D. Medhurst, 1999