RSCManage 1.02
By Jean-Baptiste Lernout - October 2000
I Presentation
II Installation
III Shareware
IV Contact
V how to register
I Presentation
RSCManage is a powerful software made to help you during the internationnalising process of your programs, to make your multilingual software. The internationnalising process of a program is difficult, you have to manage a lot of files and there is a lack of utilities to help you. So RSCManage has been made for that, to help you creating and managing multilingual program and needed files (rsc, osg ...). The functionning is simple, you have to put RSCManage in capture mode and after, you have to edit the source code of your program. Each time you meet a resource (or definition), select it, press Ctrl+C and Fn + Ctrl + C. RSCManage will search this definition to see if you have already entered this resource and offer you to add it if it didn't find it. Else, you just have to press Ctrl + V to paste the corresponding code (readrsc$:(...) ). once you have captured all resources, you can manage them and their translations with RSCManage. you can also create RSC and OSG files easily. Several options are available and I invit to read carefully the instruction file before using the software and to make some tries.
II Installation
To install RSCManage, open the SIS file and follow the instructions.
III Shareware
RSCManage is a shareware. It costs 100 Fr. You can use it during a period of 20 days. once this period is over, if you would like to continue to use the software, you must register. All the options are available in the evaluation version but the databases are limited to 50 resources. every supllementary resource will be autommatically erased.
IV Contact
To contact me :
Postal way :
Jean-Baptiste Lernout
275, Avenue Frédéric Mistral
83220 Le Pradet
E-mail : jblernout@ifrance.com
Web site : www.jblernout.fr.st
V how to register ?
To register, go on my web site : www.jblernout.fr.st and follow the link to Yaskifo. Then, follow the instructions.
If you have a problem with RSCManage, contact me : jblernout@ifrance.com
Note that I can't be responsible of any damage caused by a bad use of the software.
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