
- Welcome to RPGDice v1.0a (Freeware) - RPGDice v1.0a Copyright Christian Morency 1998. - Introduction - RPGDice is a role-playing game dice roller program for the PsionS5 and all Epoc32 devices. - Freeware, Feedbackware, Diceware - RPGDice v1.0a is Freeware. RPGDice v1.0a is Feedbackware. RPGDice v1.0a is Diceware. Freeware means that RPGDice is free. Feedbackware means that you have to email any comments you may have regarding RPGDice to the author. Diceware means that if you use RPGDice, the author would highly appreciate receiving a complete and beautiful set of RPG dices (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20 and d100) or any other special dices ! Email at morency@palmtime.com to receive postal address if you are interested in sending dices. - More rules ? Ideas ? Other Systems ? - If you know any other specific dice rolling rules or systems you would like to see implemented, you can email the author (Christian Morency) at morency@palmtime.com. - Copyrights, Warranties, Distribution - - Copyrights - RPGDice is Copyright Christian Morency 1998. - License & Warranties - RPGDice is copyrighted software. RPGDice v1.0 and v1.0a are available free of charge. The user is free to use this software as long as he respect the copyright and the software is not modified and/or decompiled and/or reverse translated. The author, Christian Morency, cannot be held responsible for any damage that is a result of running RPGDice. This product is provided as is, without any representation or warranty of any kind, either express or implied. Use at your own risk. - Distribution - Online distribution by http://www.palmtime.com. Internet software distribution sites can distribute this software if the files remain unaltered, the distribution remains unaltered (no files added / removed) and that this software remains free of charge. Commercial distribution must contact morency@palmtime.com for further information. Individuals are welcome to exchange free copies with friends as long as all files included in the distribution are also copied. If you want to distribute RPGDice in any forms (online, CDs, etc.), the first step is to email the author at morency@palmtime.com. - General Use - - Installation - Be sure to have checked the "Show System folder" option in System. To do so, press on the Orange Epoc Symbol at the bottom left of your screen, press ctrl-k and check the "Show System folder" checkbox. Under the \System\Apps\ directory, create a folder named RPGDice. Here is the list of files you have to copy in the \System\Apps\RPGDice folder. RPGDice.app RPGDice.mbm RPGDice.aif RPGDice.hlp The RPGDice.hlp is optional. RPGDice willl be aware of its presence and will remove the help option from the main menu if the file is deleted or not installed. If any file is missing, be sure to download the latest version at http://www.palmtime.com. - "What is thy bidding my Master ?" - Use the menu, toolbar buttons or shortcuts to access the options. The toolbar can be hidden or displayed at the user's preference. - Saved Preferences - The following preferences will be saved upon closing RPGDice : The Number of Dice, the Type of Dice, Modifier and Optional Dice settings as last entered by the user in any of the dialogs. - Restoring Defaults - If you want to restore the original settings, simply delete the RPGDice.ini file. Christian Morency, September 1998 morency@palmtime.com http://www.palmtime.com




pilowar.isoColl/RPGDice_sis.ZIP → RPGDice.SIS


pilowar.isoColl/RPGDICE.ZIP → RPGDice.app