MiS5ile Defense


* Welcome to MiS5Def v1.02 (Shareware) * - MiS5ile Defense v1.02 - MiS5ile Defense and MiS5Def are Copyright Christian Morency 1998. - Introduction - MiS5ile Defense is a clone of the classic missile attack arcade game for Epoc32 devices. The Registered version of MiS5ile Defense has three levels of difficulty, several difficulty options. - Want to register ? - For information on how to register MiS5ile Defense online for 20$ US : Visit the Palmtime website at http://www.palmtime.com/ or the MiS5ile Defense page at http://www.palmtime.com/mis5def.html Online Registration : Registration number will be sent by email, within 24-48 hours. If you want to register by Postal mail. Please send a postal money order or cheque of 15$ US to Christian Morency 533 Des Sizerins Chicoutimi. Québec, Canada G7H 5J4 Postal mail registration : Include email address, first and last name. Registration number will be sent by email, please allow 4-6 weeks. Once you have your registration information (your email and registration number), access the About option, click on Register MiS5Def and enter the information. The information will be stored in the MiS5Def.reg file. Please do NOT distribute this file nor the registration information. * Copyrights, License, Distribution * - Copyrights - MiS5ile Defense and MiS5Def are Copyright Christian Morency 1998. - License & Warranties - MiS5ile Defense is copyrighted software. The user is free to use this software as long as he respects the copyright and the software is not modified and/or decompiled and/or reverse translated and he doesn't distribute his registration information and/or the MiS5Def.ref file. The author, Christian Morency, cannot be held responsible for any damages that is a result of running MiS5ile Defense. This product is provided as is, without any representation or warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. Use at your own risk. - General Distribution - Do NOT distribute the MiS5Def.reg file or registration information. The ORIGINAL MiS5Def.zip and MiS5Def.sis distribution file can be freely distributed as long as they haven't been modified. * General Use * - Installation - Be sure to have checked the "Show System folder" option in System. To do so, press on the Orange Epoc Symbol at the bottom left of your screen, press ctrl-k and check the "Show System folder" checkbox. Under the \System\Apps\ directory, create a folder named MiS5Def. Here is the list of files you have to copy in the \System\Apps\MiS5Def folder. MiS5Def.app MiS5Def.mbm MiS5Def.aif MiS5Def.hlp The MiS5Def.hlp is optional. MiS5Def willl be aware of its presence and will remove the help option from the main menu if the file is deleted or not installed. If you want to hear the optional sound effects, you can either create a folder named MiS5Snd In the MiS5Def folder OR simply copy the files in the MiS5Def folder. You need to have the following files into one of them to be able to hear sound effects : MiS5Def1.snd MiS5Def2.snd MiS5Def3.snd MiS5Def4.snd MiS5Def5.snd MiS5Def6.snd MiS5Def7.snd - "What is thy bidding my Master ?" - Use the menu, toolbar buttons or shortcuts to access the options. - Hi-Score - The Hi-Score is always saved in the MiS5Def.ini files. You can erase the current Hi-Score using the Clear Hi-Score menu options. * How to play * - Starting a game - Start a game by pressing the Start button on the Toolbar, by choosing the Start Game option from the mainmenu or by pressing CTRL-S. - Playing MiS5ile Defense - Protect the cities at the bottom of the screen from everything that come from the sky by using the pen to determine the target destination of your ABMs. Don't worry about destroying cities with the SABML, Station Hope makes sure that the cities are protected from your ABMs. You have a limited amount of ABMs for each wave. Be sure to use them with maximum result. There will be more ABMs and missiles each wave. Also, the speed of these missiles will get faster and faster. Good luck... - Bonus City - Every 5,000 points, you will have one city raised from the ashes. --- Christian Morency, September 1998 morency@palmtime.com http://www.palmtime.com


pilowar.isoColl/Today_sis.zip → Today.SIS




pilowar.isoColl/epocarcade.zip → MiS5Def.SIS


pilowar.isoColl/MIS5DEF.ZIP → MiS5Def.app