Lotto5 by Mian Gardner
Version 2.2 September 1999
Please note a full users guide can be found in the zip file. This user guide
is in Psion 5 Word format and contains pictures
Registered Users Upgrading
V2.20 to V2.30
Copy all the files found in the zip into :'/system/apps/lotto5' folder. Allow all files to be replaced when asked.
What has been added?
-Recording of wins to Text files
-Abbreviated wheels can be saved to a text file for printing.
-Over 50 abbreviated wheels to choose from
-Search and Browse facility for wheels
-Bug fix for 6th Syndicate
V2.11 to V2.20
What has been added:
-odd/even sets analysing
-Full Wheels
-Abreviated Wheels
V2.10 to V2.11
Sorry I messed up, just replace the lotto5.app file. Sorry
What has been added:
-Change of contact details, email web site etc.
-Visibility option in Ticket checking, white numbers on black balls
-The one and only reported bug fixed. Application exited when Jump to a ticket line was left blank!
-Retro check, ability to check your tickets with past draws taken from the history file.
This is semi automatic.........Starts at most recent record and works backwards(records can be skipped)
it resets to the most recent record every time you enter the ticket checking page.
-Send randomly drawn balls from the rack to your choosen syndicate
thats all for now!!
V2.00 to V 2.10 or V2.11
Only the following files need be replaced in the System/Apps/Lotto5 Folder:
V1.32 or less to V 2.00
Due to this being programmed from scratch none of the old file systems are
used. You are required to remove all previous versions, making a note of any
information first you wish to re-enter and then install the new version as
shown above.
If you haven't already been sent a new registration code automatically please
get in touch and I will send you a new code , at no extra cost. Sorry for any
inconvenience caused here.
August 1999
EPOC 32 Palmtop Computers Lotto5 User Guide©1999
Found in User guide in Zip File
Found in User guide in Zip File
Found in User guide in Zip File
Found in User guide in Zip File
Registration Details
Methods of Registering
Coding & Author Mian Gardner
UK Lottery Records Eddie Slupski
Advertising Steve Clack, Palmtop Magazine - http://www.palmtop.co.uk
Stefan Smith, 5Alive - http://5alive.psionking.com/
S5Event Demo Although not used ,it inspired! Al Richey, RMR Software
User Guide Mian Gardner & Sue Gardner
Refreshments Sue Gardner
Wheeltable Sue Gardner
Registered Users By Registering , It has kept me interested.
Exceptional good ideas Registered Users, you know who you are! ,Thank you.
Lotto5 Application and User guide Copyrighted 1999 M.G.Gardner
Lotto5 is a program designed to work with lottery's through out the world. It
provides the following features:
Ticket Management 6 Syndicates of unlimited lines
Past Draw Analysing Customisable Analysing with Save facility
Wheels Full and Abbrevaited
Random Draw Fun Random Draw with 10 Draw Save Facility
It has been programmed for EPOC 32 palmtop computers. It has primarily been
designed on the Psion Series 5 but works fully with the Geofox One.
As my knowledge of various lottery's through out the world is limited, I have
made the application customisable to a fair degree. It comes set-up for use
with the British National Lottery, set for 49 balls with all past draw
information and machine names, but all this can be changed for your
particular lottery.
I have used the original format from my earlier versions with graphical
interaction being maintained and improved The application has been fully
reprogrammed from scratch , all features have improved speed, very noticeable
from Version 1.32 . All actions can be performed via hot keys or via the
menu bar. Lots of actions can be performed by tapping on the screen.
You can install Lotto5 on the C: or D: drive. Note you can not mix it between
I recommend using PsiZIP (Shareware available from RMR Software) to
install the application. Just highlight all the files by tapping on them,
then select Extract. Leave the Folder dialog box blank, select drive (C: or
D:) and tick Restore folders.
If you have acquired the application from CDROM then you may be required to
set all the file properties to 'Modify'. This can be done by highlighting
each file and pressing ctrl+p. Ensure the only box ticked is the Modify one.
The following below is for your information if extracting manually. Be
careful to name all folders correctly.
What to do...
Unzip all files
Press SYSTEM icon
Press MENU under tools select PREFERENCES and tick SHOW SYSTEM FOLDER
Press OK
go to System/Apps/ on the chosen drive (C or D)
Create folder called Lotto5
Copy the following files into Lotto5 Folder. The following is an example of
installing it into the C Drive.
Pressing the Extras bar should now reveal the Icon for Lotto5
If you want the program to work on the D Drive and have installed it on the C
Drive the do the following:Go to C:/systems/Apps and highlight the Lotto5
Folder. Press Ctrl+x (Cut). Go to Drive D:/System/Apps and press ctrl+v
(Paste). The Series 5 with the old ROM V1.00 required the moved folder to be
renamed to something different, wait a few seconds, and then renamed back to
the original name before the Extras bar would update. If this werent done
then you would get an error message NOT FOUND
3.Found in user guide
4.Found in user guide
5.Found in user guide
6.Found in user guide
Lotto5 is classed as Shareware. This means that after an evaluation period
you are encouraged to register your personal copy with the Author. I don't
like restricting programs but just to encourage you to register two small
limitations are present:
-The last two numbers on each line,in the ticket management area, are not
-Wheels default to preselected values
Other than that you can use the application fully allowing you to evaluate it.
Registration you will find is very cheap. As with all Psion shareware it is
found to be at a fraction of the price of commercial similar applications.
You not only get to test the product fully working first with a very minor
restriction, but direct support from the Author, and free upgrades when you
are registered.
After you register with the Author you are sent a registration code. Note
that you will never be required to pay for the product twice. This code is
only valid for your copy of Lotto5. After entering this code you will be able
to use the program to its full ability. You will receive support via email
from the Author. Most importantly you will have a say in how you would like
the program developed and receive notification on all free upgrades.
There are several ways to register your copy and several ways to pay.
Method 1
Send a Cheque for £5 pounds Sterling, making it payable to M.G.Gardner,or
Cash to the Authors address. As soon as I receive your payment, your
registration code is sent to you via email or posted, if a SAE is provided.
Method 2
By secure on-line link with Regnet. (http://www.reg.net/product.asp?ID=2109)
They accept payment with Credit cards. This will cost you $15 Dollars. Of
this Regnet Keeps $6 Dollars and sends the Author $9 Dollars. Your
registration is sent to you via email from the author when Regnet confirms
payment has been made.
Method 3
Send a Cheque in any other currency for the equivalent of £9 pounds sterling,
making it payable to the Mr.M.G.Gardner,or Cash to the Authors address, in
any other currency. The extra covers charges made by my bank. As soon as I
receive your payment, your registration is sent to you via email or posted,
if a SAE is provided.
Currently my address is: Mr.M.G.Gardner
28 Kenwray Drive
United Kingdom
Email: mian@lotto5.co.uk
Web: http://www.lotto5.co.uk
Due to the nature of my work I do tend to change address every few years. I
am Due to move from 28 Kenwray Drive by May 2002.When I do move I will update
this readme file and program. Please check my web site for the latest program
Version and current address.You can always Email me to confirm my current
address. I do redirect my mail for around 6 months but I find old copies of
programs and files do tend to exist for many years.
If you plan on registering please ensure to provide me with the following:
Your Full Name
Email Address / Postal Address
Application Name: Lotto5
Date of first release: February 1998
Version Number: 2.30
Version Date: October 1999
Application Size: Approx 230K
Memory Required only when running: Approx 300K
Format: Epoc32 ER3
Please if you do distribute this program , please try only to distribute it
via the Zip file. If you do distribute via your unzipped files please do not
distribute the 'Option' file as this contains your personal registration
Details. Thank you.
The Application
V1.00 February 1998 Lotto5 Released .
V1.20 April 1998
V1.32 August 1998
V2.00 10th April 1999 Complete re coded.
V2.10 August 1999 Improvements
V2.20 Sept 1999 Wheels etc
V2.30 Oct 1999 More wheels,Various text file outputs
If bugs are found please email me with a full description of what happened
with what was done before hand.The application has been throughly tested, but
little bugs may have gone unnoticed.
If you have trouble-installing Lotto5 please ensure all folders created by
yourselves have been named correctly ( Lotto5 ) and all files are in their
correct location. Also please make sure all previous versions have been
removed. Please ensure all the files are either all on the C drive or all on
the D drive. Do NOT mix!.If you have acquired the application from CDROM then
you may be required to set all the file properties to 'Modify'. This can be
done by highlighting each file and pressing ctrl+p. Ensure the only box
ticked is the Modify one. If you still have no luck then please email me for
a quick response
A known problem currently being investigated is when your battery levels are
dangerously low and Lotto5 has been installed on the D drive. If Lotto5 is
unable to write to the drive due to very low batteries then a General
Failure error will be reported.This will not corrupted anything, but the
application will just shut down. This you may find happens on quite a few
applications. You have been warned!
As far as I can tell it's not going to harm your Psion or Geofox. It has
never harmed mine! Also if it fails to tell you about a big win!!! Don't
blame me :-) It should.
Please also keep regular backed up copies of all files from your Psion to PC.
I beleive the wheels cover all possibilites I will not be held responsible for possible erros or omissions.
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