
vMEMO Version 1 Copyright: Gary Belcher 1998 ____________________________ INDEX 1 Installation 2 Introduction 3 vMEMO Functions - Alerter - Agenda - Alarm - Email - Hot key 4 Contact me 5 Disclaimer ____________________________ 1 Installation -------------------- To install vMEMO please follow the instructions below: a. Create a directory \System\Apps\vMEMO\ To do this you may need to access the system directory. You can set this in the system preferences. A list of essential files and non-essential files are detailed below !! b. Essential files (In c: or d: drive): - gb.mbm \system\apps\vmemo\ - vMEMO.app \system\apps\vmemo\ - vMEMO.aif \system\apps\vmemo\ - alerter.opo \system\apps\vmemo\ - agenda2.oxh \system\opl\ - agenda2.opx \system\opx\ - sysram1.opx \system\opx\ - message.oxh \system\opl\ - message.opx \system\opx\ - alarm.oxh \system\opl\ - alarm1.opx \system\opx\ Please note that if one of the above files with the extension .opx already exists on your Series 5, in the OPX directory, there is no need to re-copy it into the OPX folder. c. Non-essential files (In the same directory and same drive as the vMEMO.app file above): - alert.mbm \system\apps\vmemo\ - gbspl.mbm \system\apps\vmemo\ - tune \system\apps\vmemo\ - vmemo.hlp \system\apps\vmemo\ The first two files are picture files, designed to make vMEMO look good! You can by all means not install these files, but the end result will not be very nice :-(( Even though these files are considered non-essential, I recommend you install them as they certainly make vMEMO more user friendly :-)) 2 Introduction -------------------- vMEMO is what I like call, "A Reminder program with a difference !!" Instead of writing ANOTHER stand alone jotter-type program I decided to write a program which integrates itself directly with the core application on the Series 5 - Agenda. It puzzled me how many other jotter programs were being written for the Series 5, which involved you, the user, having to launch the relevant program, type your note, close the program, and then have to open the program again to see if there is anything important waiting for you. This is where vMEMO excells. vMEMO does not let you forget anything, from agenda entries, voice memos to email messages that need replying to. Hell, you can even write emails from within vMEMO, as well as play your voice note file!! Best of all vMEMO is FREEWARE !!!!!!!!! 3 vMEMO Functions ----------------------- - Alerter Alerter is a small utility that resides in memory waiting for you to switch on your Psion. When the psion is switched on, Alerter will automatically come to the foreground, search for your voice note file and check to see if it contains a voice memo. If it does, Alerter will then display a dialog box, or a snazzy splash screen (Depending on your configuration) asking you to either play the voice note, or just press ENTER to place Alerter in the background again, so that you can go about your normal psioneering. * Please note that Alerter will only look for voice notes at this point in time. In the future I will add other features into Alerter which will show unread emails, as well as pending to-do's at switch on. - Agenda As mentioned above, vMEMO integrates itself fully with the Agenda application built into the Psion Series 5. You can compile an agenda note, and send it to your agenda file as a Day entry, To-do entry or even an Event entry with or without an alarm. The transfer, unlike other similar programs, is virtually instantaneous, and at the end of the day, you can be sure that your important appointments are never forgotten !! - Alarm As with Agenda, vMEMO also has full integration with the Psion's Alarm facility. Here you can Add alarms as well as delete them, and you also have a choice of which alarm sounds to use as well as the duration of the alarm (ie:Daily, weekly etc) - Email vMEMO's email capabilities do not stop at writing emails! No way!! vMEMO is able to retrieve any unread email from your Message Suite Email program, and display them in an easy to use list for you to select and read at your convenience. vMEMO's email functionality does not stop there either - If you suddenly noticed (Whilst looking at the unread email listing generated by vMEMO) that there is an important unread email that requires a reply, you can send details of this email directly to the Agenda file to remind you. The automatic reminder generated by vMEMO will be something like this "Remember to reply to 'Email' - belcher@africaonline.co.zw - 'Subject' OPL Tutorial" This is a standard reminder generated by vMEMO, but you will be able to edit this as and where you feel necessary. As was said above, you can also write and send an email directly from within vMEMO. - Hot key vMEMO has a pre-programmed hot key to bring it into the foreground, whenever you like, instantly. This feature is particularly handy in the following situation: - You load vMEMO and use it, but you want to do some other work on lets say a spreadsheet. So you load up your spreadsheat and start working on it. Later on you have to write jot something down in vMEMO. Instead of clicking on vMEMO on the Extras bar, all you do is hold down the following sequence of keys Ctrl+Fn+v vMEMO is now brought into the foreground ready to resume it's duties. 4 Contact me: ------------------- If you find any bugs or have any suggestions for future versions of vMEMO, mail me at: belcher@africaonline.co.zw New versions of vMEMO will be available from my site: http://gbpsionzone.cjb.net or http://members.xoom.com/gbpsionzone/psion.htm 5 Disclaimer: ------------------- The software is protected by copyright law and international treaty provisions. You acknowledge that no title to the intellectual property in the software is transferred to you. You further acknowledge that title and full ownership rights to the software will remain the exclusive property of Gary Belcher, and you will not acquire any rights to the software except as expressly set forth in this license. You agree that any copies of the software will contain the same proprietary notices which appear on and in the software. I do not warrant that the software is error free. I have tested vMEMO extensively and have found no problems. There is no liability for consequential damages. In no event shall I be liable to you for any consequential, special, incidental or indirect damages of any kind arising out of the delivery, performance or use of the software, even if I have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Furthermore, vMEMO makes extensive use of third party OPX (OPl eXtension) files. I cannot be held responsible for damages of any kind arising from the use of these files.


pilowar.isoColl/VMEMO1.ZIP → vMEMO.app