Invaders is (C) Palmscape & Dave Mager, 1999.
Invaders 1.00 - June 1999
Invaders.zip contains three files, invaders.sis, pscape.sis and systinfo.sis.
All three are required by Invaders.
Installation assumes you, by now, have SIS installation abilities.
If you do not, please email me at dave@palmscape.com and I will be glad to send you
a file-by-file version of the program.
INVADERS.SIS - contains the actual game and can be safely installed on the C or D drives.
PSCAPE .SIS - An installation file containing the essential shared Palmscape files.
SYSTINFO.SIS - is an OPX by RMRSoft, required by Invaders.
You MUST install all three of these SIS files onto your Psion or GeoFox One. You may mix
installation locations (Drive C or Drive D) safely, however. To install a .SIS file:
1) Copy all three files to anywhere on your EPOC machine, and then double tap each in turn.
2) Connect your EPOC machine and double click on each file in turn. Simply follow the
on screen instructions.
Its Space Invaders! Left/Right arrow to move your craft, funnily enough, left and right.
Spacebar to fire at the aliens. Avoid the shots aimed towards you! Get a random point
score for shooting the motherships that occasionally whiz past at the top of the play area
and stop those aliens landing! Remember - some things are annoying but are faithful to the
original - like only one of your shots on screen at a time!
The entire keyset is as follows:
Left Arrow - Move your craft Left - hold for faster movement
Right Arrow - Move your craft Right - hold for faster movement
Spacebar - Fire at aliens - hold for rapid fire
P or p - Pause the game (also happens automatically during power offs, system screen/
extras bar/other appplications coming to the foreground)
S or s - Toggle between NO sound, LOW volume and HIGH volume sounds
Esc - Quit where you are (.INI file is saved)
Ctrl-E - Same as Esc. Will also respond automatically to a system screen close
request or a backup close request
Menu - Brings up the menu system which allows access to the high score functions
and help/registration information
Although this application works perfectly well on our machines we do not guarantee that they
will on yours. Use of the software is entirely at your own risk, and no guarantee is either
offered or infered.
More information on Palmscape
Palmscape are the market leaders in shareware development for the Palmtop community. We have
a wide range of products available for your favourite PDA. For more information visit us online
at http://www.palmscape.com or contact our office at:
44 Harpur Street
MK40 2QT
Tel/Fax: +44 (0)1234 353970
Palmscape Development Team
June 1999
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