

Signature - Version 1.11 Written By Robert Longbottom Email : Web : Signature is SHAREWARE. Registration is £5. Please send a cheque made payable to me, Robert Longbottom, to the following address : Psion Registration 17 Finkil Street Hove Edge West Yorkshire HD6 2LS ENGLAND Please state which version of Signature you are registering. When you register signature you will be able to edit your signatures and save the changes. The unregistered version will allow you to edit but not to save your changes. What It Does... Signature allows you to easily add signatures to the end of your email messages in the messaging suite from Psion. Installation Copy the files 'signature.aif' and '' into a directory named 'signature' in the 'system\apps' directory or either C or D. The program will appear on the Extra's Bar. Using Signature The first time you run signature you are required to enter a signature that you will eventually want to use on your emails. The program cannot be run unless at least one signature exists. The program will bring up a dialog box where you must name and enter a signature. You can then add and delete signatures. You may have a maximum of 25 different signatures. Begin writing your email in the normal way in message suite. When you want to insert a signature, select Signature from the Extra's Bar. A dialog will popup where you can choose from the signatures that you have entered. Select 'insert' and it will be entered at the current cursor position. Notes I have only tested Signature with version 1.10 of message suite. I do not know if it will work with other versions. Hopefully it should. If it doesn't, email me, and tell me which version(s) it doesn't work with and I will try to fix it... When choosing a name for your signatures, you should not use comma's, or other punctuation marks in the name. Also, it is probably a good idea to use fairly short names. Version 1.11 is a minor upgrade from Version 1.1, the main difference being that the registration code no longer depends on the machine's UID, but on the registration name. This was done to allow compatibility with the Geofox. I would reccomend that all users uprgrade to version 1.11 just so that they have the latest version. Signatures need not be re-entered. Simply replace the program files, and your signatures should remain intact. Enjoy!


pilowar.isoColl/SIGMX.ZIP → Signature.SIS


pilowar.isoColl/SIGV1_11.ZIP →
pilowar.isoColl/SIGNAT.ZIP →