Luach Suite


Luach ----- Copyright © Aron Landy 1997-2000 The archive consists of the following files: Readme.txt This file Manual.rtf The manual (use this one if you can) Manual.txt The manual in plain text format - just in case you can't read the rtf file Luach???.SIS This is the main file in SIS format [??? is the version number] NOTE: On-line help is up to date, but the manual has not been updated to the most recent version. To install from a PC, connect your Psion and simply double-click on the .SIS file. (If you don't have PsiWin 2.1 (or above) or Message Suite, you'll need the Series 5-based application installer, instexe.exe as well. This can be obtained from or Just put it in any folder on your Psion and tap on it etc.) Registration ------------ Luach is shareware and users who wish to keep the product are asked to register. Third party software -------------------- The installation process also installs Alarm.oxh, Systinfo.oxh and Agenda2.opx which are copyright © Symbian Ltd. They may not be redistributed.


pilowar.isoColl/LUACH535.ZIP → LUACH536.SIS