

WELCOME to SIMON v1.14 ------------------ Simon is a small memory game: your goal is to remember the random sequence that your S5 generates and shows you through the big buttons on the screen, and to repeat it correctly. Each time you do right, the previous sequence will be repeated, but increased of one more button... WHAT'S NEW ------------------ v 1.00 first public release v 1.01 put some order in a quite messy code... v 1.10 added sound effects and increasing speed during the game v 1.11 easier control via keyboard: now you can use both "S" and "Enter" to resume playing from one stage to the next v 1.12 added "current score" display to the hi-score window v 1.13 simply made the installation procedure easier with the standard EPOC Install process (.sis file) and translated into French and Italian v 1.14 rewritten the code to make use of external rsc files for each language (new translations will be easier, see the help file) INSTALLING SIMON ------------------ 1. Unzip and put Simon.sis to any folder of your S5 or PC. 2. To install the program simply double-click on the Simon.sis file. 3. Choose the language you prefer. 4. The automated procedure will create a new "\System\Apps\Simon" folder, on the C: or D: drive and will copy the following files: - Simon.aif - - Simon.rsc - Simon.hlp - Sim bmp.mbm - Sim tbar.mbm 5. Simon should now appear in your "Extras bar". UPGRADING FROM PREVIOUS RELEASES ------------------ Simply follow the above procedure; your previous hi-scores won't be affected. UNINSTALLING SIMON ------------------ If you need to uninstall Simon, use the Add/remove option in your S5 Control Panel. LEGAL STUFF ------------------ This program is © Sergio Alisi 1998-99. You may use and copy this program freely, on condition that no charge of any kind is made for copies. In using Simon you agree to indemnify the author against any liability. Simon is freeware and is provided with no express or implied warranties as to fitness your purpose. You agree to use this program at your own risk. CONTACTS ------------------ Please send any comments or bug reports to: Keep an eye on my web site for any news: THANKS AND ENJOY


pilowar.isoColl/SIMON.ZIP → Simon.sis