

Losung ====== README file ----------- Contents: 1. Introduction 2. File Details 3. Installation 4. Running the Program 5. Licence Agreement INTRODUCTION ------------ The small program Losung provides the Herrnhuter Losungen in form of a automatic hint screen. The following are just some of the features Losung provides: - daily automatic shown - looking up the Losung for other dates - searching text items - clipboard - printing - Full pen and/or keyboard control FILE DETAILS ------------ The archive file should contain the following files: Losung.sis The program Readme.txt English Instructions Once installed. you will see the program consists of the following essential files: \System\Apps\Losung\Losung.app The program file \System\Apps\Losung\Losung.aif The icon file \System\Apps\Losung\Losung.rsc The language resource file \System\Apps\Losung\Losung.ini The initialisation file The following optional files which you may have installed and can be deleted later: \System\Apps\Losung\Losung.hlp - Help File INSTALLATION ------------ *********************************************************** * If you are upgrading please re-install all the .sis file * *********************************************************** To install the program simply double-click on the Losung.SIS file or select the "Install New Program" option in PsiWin (EPOC Install). If you have PsiWin/EPOC Install v2.1 or above, then everything will happen automatically. RUNNING THE PROGRAM ------------------- Start the program by selecting 'Extras' from the Application bar and then selecting Losung-Icon. LICENCE AGREEMENT ----------------- This program is copyright of the Author: Dietmar Borgards. The textes are unter permission. Read the Losung-Online-Help.


pilowar.isoColl/S5LOS99.ZIP → Losung.SIS


pilowar.isoColl/S5LOSDE.ZIP → Losung.sis
pilowar.isoColl/S5LOSEN.ZIP → Losung.sis


pilowar.isoColl/S5XLEN02.ZIP → Losung.sis
pilowar.isoColl/S5XLDE02.ZIP → s5xlde02.sis