

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! ! README TEXT FILE FOR 5TALK v1.05 ! ! ! ! (c) 1999 Mark O'Neill ! ! ! ! <TURN WORD WRAP OFF> ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ====================================================== This program is 100% FREE software. For other psion software, visit my website at: http://www.i27.com 5Talk v1.05 is a talking clock for the Series 5 that can be activated when your machine is switched OFF! not only that, it can also be activated when your S5 is switched on, and will even display the time on screen! (via a designated HotKey) It integrates seamlessly into your Psion - you'll wonder how it ever wasn't there! ====================================================== # CONTENTS: =========== 1. INSTALLATION 2. DISTRIBUTION #1 INSTALLATION: ================ To install 5Talk you will need the EPOC add/remove installation shell which is supplied with PsiWin v2.1, or an installed copy of Message Suite. You may obtain these at the Psion website: http://www.psion.com/ or download the EPOC add/remove program at my website: http://www.i27.com/download/inst_te.zip Then: 1. Extract "5Talk.SIS" from the zip archive. Running 5Talk.SIS will initiate the EPOC add/remove program shell which will guide you through the installation. 2. Run 5Talk from the Extras bar. 3. Press CTRL+(MENU key) to "flash" the time 4. Whilst the time is displayed, press CTRL+H. This will launch the help file which contains important information - be sure to read it. OR once 5Talk is active, tap on the 5Talk icon in the Extras bar again to show the Preferences screen. #2 DISTRIBUTION: ================ You may distribute 5Talk v1.05 and/or place it on your website for download providing that the following conditions are adhered to: 1. The original zip file remains intact with no additions or deletions to the zip archive. 2. The zip archive must not be renamed. 3. "5Talk.SIS" and the "Readme" file must remain intact and unaltered in any way. Thanks for trying out 5Talk v1.05! Mark.


pilowar.isoColl/5TALK.ZIP → 5Talk.SIS