

Application..... ..MfolderLite Version........... Beta 1.15 Release............September 1999 Compatibility......Psion Series 5 & Geofox One Machines Author............ Dave Pearce Contact........... HomePage...... .... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file includes : 1.0 IMPORTANT NOTES 2.0 INTRODUCTION 3.0 INSTALLATION 3.1 SIS-File Installation 3.2 ZIP-File Installation 4.0 UPGRADING MFOLDERLITE 5.0 USING MFOLDERLITE 6.0 CONTACTING THE AUTHOR 7.0 DISCLAIMER 1.0 IMPORTANT -------------------- MfolderLite is not compatible with the Psion Series 5mx, Ericsson MC218 and Other ER5 EPOC machines. MViewer can be used on these machines to view archinves created in Mfolder and MfolderLite. If you are using an MfolderLite version previous to 1.15 then you must install the NListbox.opx, as described below. The DLControls, previously used to create the listboxes, is no longer required in versions including and after 1.15, and may be deleted. 2.0 INTRODUCTION ----------------------- MfolderLite is an email archiving/viewing application designed to be used in conjuntion with the Psion Message Suite Email application. It fulfills a function not available with Psion Email, and allows Message Suite users to clear the Email folders by archiving messages to standard Email Message folder. 3.0 INSTALLATION ------------------------ 3.1 SIS-File Installation: On either the PC connected by PsiWin or the Psion/Geofox machine itself double-click on the MLite.SIS file. Installation should then occur automatically. 3.2 ZIP-File Installation: Ensure that the System folder is visible (using the 'Preferences' settings on the System screen menu or Ctrl+k). Next, create a new folder in the System\Apps directory on the C: or D: drive, called 'MfolderLite'. Copy the following files into that folder : Icon.mbm MLite.mbm MfolderLite.aif MfolderLite.hlp Then install the Message.opx and NListbox.opx on either drive using the SIS files included. You should now have the MfolderLite icon diplayed on your Extras bar. 4.0 UPGRADING MFOLDERLITE ------------------------- SIS-File Installation: This should be as simple as the normal SIS installation, but I would recommend keeping a copy of the MFolderLite file separately in case of accidents! ZIP-File Installation: Ensure that the System folder is visible (using the 'Preferences' settings on the System screen menu or Ctrl+k). Next, replace the following files in the System\Apps\MFolderLite folder : MfolderLite.aif MfolderLite.hlp 5.0 USING MFOLDERLITE ---------------------------------- MfolderLite is designed to be quick to use and easy to learn. It only has three major functions: Archiving email messages, viewing these message and finally printing them, if required. Once MfolderLite has been started the menu can be displayed by: • The standard Menu key. • The standard Silkscreen key. • Pressing the on-screen 'Start' button. The on-line Help is fairly comprehensive, and should be enough to get users going from this point. 6.0 CONTACTING THE AUTHOR ------------------------------------------- For any additional comments or feedback, please email me at: 7.0 DISCLAIMER -------------------- This software is Public Domain, and may be distributed freely by users. The author accepts no responsibility for damage of any sort, or loss of data associated with the use of this software. Mfolder, MfolderLite & MViewer © Dave Pearce 1999.


pilowar.isoColl/ → MLite115.SIS