

*** DirPrint4 *** WHAT IS IT? DirPrint allows you to list all of the files on your Psion and output either to a text file or to the screen. It sorts the files into date order with the most recent first, and allows you to specify a filter string which filters out only files with certain text in their names. Its a bit basic, but if you have been working on a file recently and just can't remember where you saved it, DirPrint should find it for you fairly quickly. REGISTRATION DirPrint4 is FREEWARE. This means it is not necessary to register for this program. However if you like this program, I would appreciate it if you send me an email, then I can inform you of updates and it will also give me some idea if there is any demand for this program, and how many people are using it. INSTALLATION Simply double click / double tap on the file DirPrint4.SIS on either your Psion or you PC. Select the icon from the Extras bar. INSTRUCTIONS On start-up, a dialog box will appear. In the top file selector, choose the location you want to search. If you want to speed things up a bit, and you are not interested in the system directory, you can choose to exclude it. If you want the output to be sent to a file, enter a filename and location in the lower file selector, otherwise leave this blank, and you will just get screen output. Select Start. DirPrint will scan the location you selected, including and sub directories and then sort the files it has found into date order (newest files first). You will then be presented with the filter dialog box. Enter some text if you wish to filter the list, otherwise leave it blank. Note that after you have viewed the files matching you filter specifications, you will be returned to the filter dialog box where you can specify a new filter without having to rescan the drive. **Still Don't Understand? Then just use it. You will soon get the hang of it! BUGS Version 4 fixes a few annoying bugs that were in Version 3. No major updates though - sorry! There still seems to be quite a few bugs in the program. If it crashes, just run it again, and it usually works. If you find that the same error occurs over and over, email me and I will have a look at it. CREDITS Written by : Robert Longbottom Email : RobertCL@iname.com Web : http://RobertCL.tripod.com


pilowar.isoColl/DIRPRINT.ZIP → dirprint4.SIS