SCATA Logbook v0.70 is Copyright 2000 SCATA. All rights reserved
Freeware by Chris Hopkins, Alastair Lack and Jim Watt
Post comments in the SCATA conferences section
Email gasdoc@psion.net if you wish to be informed of updates
By installing ScataLog.sis you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions. Please read them carefully.
ScataLog is protected by Copyright. You may distribute the program in its original form only. You may not make any changes to it. You may not make any attempts to reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the software.
ScataLog is Freeware, allowing you to distribute the software, in its original format, including uploading it to any electronic bulletin board or WWW site.
You are free to demonstrate the program and its capabilities to others, which includes making screen shots and using them in presentations or uploading to a WWW site.
SCATA Logbook has been designed to run on the Psion Revo/Revo plus, Series 5/5mx, Series 7, Netbook, Diamond Mako and Ericsson MC218. It may work on the Osaris, but we make no claim that it is compatible with this device as it has not been optimised for the narrower screen and therefore not all the program will be visible. Colour support is included.
The logbook represents a simple to use but extremely powerful logbook for EPOC devices. It is a highly customisable logbook, allowing you to edit existing fields or to add your own user defined fields. Use a versatile scrolling list view to review your logbook, and use the custom reporting feature to generate 100's of different reports. You can export the logbook to a PC based logbook, or export report data into the Sheet application or Excel to produce your own tables or graphs.
Information for upgrading
If you are reinstalling the program, or upgrading from an older version, you simply need to run the new version of scatalog.sis. You will be asked if you wish to install the data set. If you have made changes to the data set that you do not wish to loose, you must select No. Note that the operations, hospital and user defined lists however, will not be affected by reinstalling the data set.
If you are reading this, you should have successful unzipped two files
scatalog.sis is the main program, and is an EPOC install file. Those unfamiliar with this type of file should read the section below. Once installed, you should see the program icon on the extras bar of your EPOC device.
Installing sis files
Over the last few years Psion have made it very easy to install programs to your PDA with a new type of Software Installation System (SIS) which uses special Epoc Install files with the extension .sis. When run, these automatically install the software to your PDA, and are now widely used by both commercial developers and shareware authors alike. Generally several files needed for a program to run on your PDA are installed to the correct locations on running the SIS file, although occasionally more than one SIS file may need to be installed. It is usual for the Epoc Install files to be supplied along with a plain text Readme file containing last minute instructions and information on installation. If supplied it should be read before getting started.
PsiWin is the software supplied along with your EPOC·device, which allows your PC to connect to your PDA. When the Psion Series 5 was first released, sis files were not available, and consequently versions of PsiWin earlier than 2.1 do not by default support this file type. If your version of PsiWin is earlier than 2.1 you should either get a free upgrade called setup.exe from the Psion web site (www.psion.com), which, when run, patches PsiWin to accept sis files, or download version 2.1 for free from the same web site.
To install the SIS file, first connect your PDA with the cable supplied and select the remote link to cable in the tools menu of your Psion. PsiWin, which you should have installed on your PC, will then complete the connection. Now you are ready to simply double click on the SIS file to launch the EPOC install program. You will first be asked, if appropriate, which drive you would like to install to. On the Psion Revo for example, there is only the internal C drive, other EPOC based devices, may have more than one drive to install to. Our program should be able to be run from either drive on your PDA, but always check the programs documentation regarding this issue first.
The EPOC Install program will automatically copy the applications component files to their correct location on your PDA. Remember that you may need to install more than one SIS file to your PDA for the software to work. When you have installed to your EPOC PDA using this method you should see a new icon in the extras bar on your machine which corresponds to the new program.
Technical Stuff
After installation of scatalog.sis you should have the files :
\System\Apps\scatalog\scatasplash.mbm (Opening splash screen with SCATA logo)
\System\Apps\scatalog\dataset (The logbook's data set)
all installed to the drive you selected, during installation, on your Psion. You should also have the files :
and after running the program for the first time
\Scata\operations (The list of operation you create)
\Scata\user1 (The user defined fields)
Installed on the drive you selected.
Please note that you should read the Help File accessible through the program after running the software for the first time.
Before posting a problem the scata conferences section or sending an email, we would encourage you to read the help file.
We hope you find the logbook useful.
Chris Hopkins.
Joint author of SCATA Logbook for EPOC.
Personal web site 'PDA Anaesthetic' at www.gasdoc.freeserve.co.uk
Email : gasdoc@psion.net
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