YFHSoftware - YFHSubst EN
YFH Subst version 1.0
© 2000 YFH Software
Directory Substitutor for the Psion Series5.
1. Installing
2. Using YFH Subst
3. Contacting
4. Disclaimer
1. Installing
* Unzip 'YFH Subst.sis' to the computer or the Psion.
* On the computer:
Make sure the Psion is connected to the computer and (double)click 'YFH Subst.sis'
Install the program by following the instructions on the screen.
* On the Psion:
Doubletap 'YFH Subst.sis'. If nothing happens, you need the EpocInstall
software. This software is available at www.psion.com
If something does happen, follow the instructions on the screen to
install the program.
* Het YFH Subst icon is now visible on the Extra's-bar.
2. Using YFH Subst
* YFH Subst can be used to map directories to a drive. A drive is a kind of hard disk
(in this case a virtual one) like the internal C-disk in the Psion. Using YFH Subst
the directory 'Documents' for instance can be mapped to drive 'M'. The advantage of
this, is that in the list of drives in the System-screen (visible when you tap the
button saying 'C' or 'D' in the corner of your screen on the Task-bar) an extra
drive appears (in this case drive 'M'). If this drive is selected, you will
automatically jump to the directory mapped to that drive (in this case 'Documents').
This way, you can browse through you folder a lot quicker.
* The program itself is very easy in use. After starting the program, you will have a
choice of five options:
* Map a drive
Choose this option to map a drive to a directory.
The rest speaks for itself.
* Unmap a drive
Unmap a previously mapped drive.
* Overview of drives
Puts an overview of all your drive on the screen, in which you can can see whether
a drive is mapped and if so, to what directory.
* About
Shows information about the program and YFH Software.
* Exit
Exit YFH Subst.
3. Contacting
* YFH Software can be visited on the Internet at:
Check here also for more software and updates from YFH Software.
YFH Software can be contacted by email:
4. Disclaimer
* This software is written by YFH Software and may not be altered in any way without
permission of YFH Software. You may distribute the program to others, as long as
you don't sell it.
Dispite the fact that this software is thoroughly tested, YFH is not in any way
responsible for any damage to you Psion as a result of using this software.
* YFH Subst uses Subst.opx by Symbian Ltd.
"Subst.opx is Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Symbian Ltd. All rights reserved. It
forms part of the OPL SDK and is subject to the License contained therein."
YFHSoftware - YFHSubst EN
YFH Subst.sis