

Readme file for Quad ------------------------ Quad is supplied as a standard EPOC installation file called quad.sis. To install on your machine, follow these instructions: * Connect your EPOC computer to a Windows PC using Psiwin Then either * On your Windows PC, double-click on the file quad.sis or * Copy quad.sis to your EPOC computer, highlight it, and press Enter Once installed, run Quad from your Extras bar and follow the onscreen prompts. Important disclaimer: while every effort has been made to ensure that Quad works correctly, the author accepts no responsibility for any data that may be lost using the program. Always take regular backups of your data. Enjoy the program. Ewan Spence & FreEPOC, 2000 ewan@freepoc.de


pilowar.isoColl/QUAD100.ZIP → quad.SIS