AOL Instant Messenger


AOL Instant Messenger For EPOC 1.00 Packaged by Dan Ramage: May 31, 2000 AOL Instant Messenger is America Online's realtime chat software, which links up millions of users daily. This archive contains AIM, an EPOC application facilitating the use of AOL's Instant Messaging software on platforms running EPOC Release 5. So how come the instant messenger installation file is only about 7 Kb? The reason is that this is not a complete application, but rather just an icon on the task bar which tells EPOC where to go to find AOL's Quick Buddy Java based software, which is a pure Java implementation (written by AOL) of the instant messaging software. Hence it only runs on ER5 and it's best if used on a Series 7 or NetBook (which have nice big color screens). The fact that this software, in essence, only provides a shortcut to an AOL program has its pluses and minuses. Minuses first: the IM Java applet from AOL's web page (you can see it at must be downloaded to the Psion every time you run Aim from the task bar. It's roughly 100 Kb, so start up time (not counting the time it takes to dial a connection) can take almost 20 seconds on my Series 7. Usage speed is quite good, though. Now the pluses: this application is, in a way, future proof. As soon as AOL updates their software, you too get an update because you redownload it every time you run the application. Furthermore, since this archive is essentially only a link to an AOL webpage and contains no AOL software, it's unlikely that I'll be sued ;) Installation ============ Installation is exactly as you'd expect. Just install aim.sis as you would any other sis file. Remember that it requires an EPOC release with Java installed and a working internet connection. Color is also nice. If you need to reference this document at any time, a copy of it is placed in the AIM installation directory. Usage ===== Click on the AIM icon in the extras bar. A box sometimes pops up and asks you to agree to Sun's licensing agreement. Agree. (For those who are interested, the AIM icon will launch the appletviewer Java application written by Sun and included in the ER5 ROM.) If you are not already connected to the net, the Internet connection dialog box will pop up. After you've connected, you'll need to wait for the applet to download and initialize. This can take a while, so be patient. Eventually you'll be prompted with a login screen. If you have an AOL screen name, log in and off you go! If you don't, you'll need to create one (try visiting from a PC or using a PC version of AIM). Some buttons in the program will not work - these are buttons which would link to a web page, but EPOC does not support linking to URLs outside of the context of the web browser. If you are running Aim on a half-vga or smaller screen (like on the Series 5mx), keep in mind a shortcut for moving Java applet windows off the edge of the screen. Press control-space to activate "Move mode." The arrow keys will now move the current window. Pressing escape ends move mode. You'll need this in order to log in, etc., as the Quick Buddy login window is taller than the 240 pixels on a half-vga screen. If you have any questions about the software or usage, you're on your own, because it's AOL's software. If you can't get it to work on your EPOC computer, don't hesitate to mail me at On second thought, even if you can get it to work on your palmtop, drop me a note saying you like it, or find it useful, or think its a waste of bandwidth and disk space. Consider it the registration fee. Disclaimer ========== This is free software and as such I disclaim any sort of responsibility for damage the use of this package causes to your computer and/or sanity. On another note, I'm sure AOL and AIM are trademarks, so they are hereby acknowledged.


pilowar.isoColl/AIM100.ZIP → AIM.SIS