
TDSim Version 0.9 (Copyright V. Schmatloch) Inhalt: 1. Disclaimer about liability 2. Description of the TDSim program 3. Known problems more Information at http:/ Email: ----------------------------------------------------------- 1. Disclaimer about liability This program calculates Thermal Desorption Spectra (TDS) as obtained by TPD experiments. It can be used freely for personal and non-commercial purposes. There is, however, no guaranty for the correctness or accuracy of the results. For questions or problems that might arise from installing or using this software, no support is offered by the author. Using this software is entirely at your own risk. 2. Description see built-in helpTDSim has been developed for Psion Revo. It will also run under WINS or on 5mx machines, however, without making use of the higher screen resolution. 3. Known problems Under WINS (probably also on 5mx) program crashes when you point at the empty space in the toolbar.Presently, shortcut keys work only when the menu is displayed. Therefore you need to either press the menu key or point on menu button in the toolbar first, then use the shortcut.


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