NewPolidiom 1.1


VERSION DD. 21 dec 2000 Thank you for evaluating NEWPOLIDIOM 1.0 © All rights reserved. Read this first ( file dd. novembre 2000 );Before using the program (free during 3 weeks) you must read the license agreement and agree with it (included in Newpolidiom.html). After 3 weeks you should delete the program or order a licence. CONTENTS ========= a. What is NewPolidiom 1.0 ? b. The example files c. How to install NewPolidiom 1.0 d. How to remove NewPolidiom 1.0 e. PROBLEMS AND FEEDBACK f. How to order g. Licence Agreement A. WHAT IS NEWPOLIDIOM? ======================== NewPolidiom 1.0 is a shareware dictionary and vocabulary trainer program for PSION SERIES 5mx (and compatibles). You may use the program for free during one period of 21 days. After 21 days you should register and buy a licence or delete the program files. The dictionary files, available at this moment, are free of charge. They are of variable size and quality. It is possible that later dictionaries are not free. All dictionary files are fully editable; it is possible to create your own files. This zipfile also contains a version of the helpfile in html format (NewPolidiom.html). Browse this file for further information on NewPolidiom. b. EXAMPLES ============ The installation file installs an example dictionary on your PSION (english- French) in a new Folder "C" or "D:\NPolidiom\". unfolded this file takes about 1 MB of diskspace. Other dictionaries can be found in the second included zip file or at c. HOW TO INSTALL ================= A. .SIS file (recomended) ------------------------- To allow direct installation from your PC make sure you have PsiWin version 2.1 or higher or install epocinst separately. PsiWin upgrades can be download free from the Psion website. In order to install software from your PC, double-click the NewPolidiom.sis file from Windows Explorer. EPOC Connect recognises the file type, and launches the installation program. Alternatively, EPOC Connect may be used to install the NEWPOLIDIOM.sis file from a command line. OR Copy or download the NEWPOLIDIOM.sis file to your Psion, and install by opening it. The necessary folders will be made and the files will be copied to this folders. B. CUSTOM --------- On your PSION 5mx make the SYSTEM folder visible by selecting MENU --> EXTRA --> PREFERENCES... On the FILES page check the Show folder "SYSTEM" .. Press the 'OK'-Button. In the SYSTEM/Apps Folder create a new folder and rename it "NewPolidiom". Copy the following files to this new folder: Polidiom.mbm NewPolidiom.aif NewPolidiom.hlp Return to the "C:/" folder and Create a new folder and rename it NPolidiom or a name of your choice. Copy Dictionaries to this folder. Now you can start the program. C. DICTIONARIES --------------- Surf to . Select the "Download" page; select the "Dictionaries" link and download dictionaries of your choice. d. HOW TO REMOVE ================ In your machines Toolbar select SYSTEM | CONFIGURATION | SOFTWARE In the dialog select NewPolidiom 1.0 and press de Del-key or tab the Delete-Button e. PROBLEMS ============ Problems can be reported at or go to and fill in the support form. f. HOW TO ORDER =============== fees until 31/12/2001 A. ONLINE/FAX/PHONE ------------------- FEE = 15,95 $ Order processing fee = 3 $ --------------------- ------- TOTAL 18,95 $ Go to the "Register" page on and follow the instructions. Online registering is in $ (USD) only. B. POST (USD/EURO/EUROCHECK/ Deutche Mark/Dutch Guilders/ Belgian, Luxembourg or French Francs only) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEE = 16 $ 20 EURO 40 DM 40 fl 13 £ 700 bef, Luxf 140 Fr.f. Go to the website on the "Register" page follow the order by mail link. Fill in the form, print it and, if the law in your country allows you to send money (no coins) by post, mail it with the registration fee included to the mentioned address. I.Ponsen Zegestraat 22 B-3300 TIENEN BELGIUM g. LICENCE AGREEMENT ==================== This Licence Agreement ("AGREEMENT") is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or an organisation such as a company) and Ivo Ponsen. This licence agreement covers the use of NewPolidiom 1.0. By installing or otherwise using NewPolidiom1.0, you agree to be bound by the terms of this AGREEMENT. If you do not agree to the terms of this AGREEMENT, Ivo Ponsen will not licence NewPolidiom 1.0 to you. In such event, you may not use or copy NewPolidiom 1.0 and you must destroy any copies of the NewPolidiom 1.0 in your possession. This AGREEMENT constitutes the entire agreement and understanding between the parties with respect to its subject matter and replaces all previous written or oral agreements, including all express or implied terms, and all representations between, or undertakings by, the parties with regard to such subject matter. This AGREEMENT cannot be changed except by written agreement between the parties. PRODUCT LICENCE Newpolidiom 1.0 is protected by international copyright laws and treaty provisions, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. NewPolidiom 1.0 is licensed, not sold. GRANT OF LICENCE This AGREEMENT grants you the following rights: The non-exclusive and limited right to use one copy of the NewPolidiom 1.0 by you (if you are an individual) or by any employee (if you are an organisation).This use is free during 21 days; if you wish to use NewPolidiom 1.0 after this period, you have to register and pay a licence fee. The right to make a single back-up copy of NewPolidiom 1.0. during the 21 days evaluation period and after registering. You may use the back-up copy solely for back-up and archival purposes. DESCRIPTION OF OTHER RIGHTS AND LIMITATIONS a) Limitations on Reverse Engineering, Decompilation and Disassembly. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble Newpolidiom 1.0 , except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law. Notwithstanding this limitation, Ivo Ponsen will terminate this Agreement if you attempt or have attempted to reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble NewPolidiom 1.0 in breach of this provision. b) Rental. You may not rent or lease NewPolidiom 1.0. c) Redistribution. You are free to distribute unregistered copies of NewPolidiom 1.0 for free in order to let evaluate the program. d) You may not transfer any of your rights under this AGREEMENT. f) Termination. The AGREEMENT lasts until you terminate it by destroying all copies of NewPolidiom 1.0. If you fail to comply with the conditions of the AGREEMENT, then Ivo Ponsen will terminate the AGREEMENT and you will be required, by the terms and conditions of the AGREEMENT, to destroy all copies of NewPolidiom 1.0. UPDATES UPDATES may be made available by time to time. By installing or otherwise using such UPDATES you agree to be bound by any ADDITIONAL TERMS that may accompany such UPDATES. If you do not agree with such ADDITIONAL TERMS you may not install, copy or otherwise use such UPDATES. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY IVO PONSEN PROVIDES NO WARRANTY, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING, IVO PONSEN PROVIDES THIS APLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. YOU ACCEPT THAT THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF NEWPOLIDIOM 1.0 IS WITH YOU AND YOU AGREE NOT TO TAKE ANY INCONSISTENT POSITION. SHOULD NEWPOLIDIOM 1.0 PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION OF NEWPOLIDIPOM 1.0 AND PRODUCTS. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW WILL IVO PONSEN BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, (WHETHER ARISING IN CONTRACT, TORT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) INCLUDING ANY LOST PROFITS, LOST MONIES, LOST TIME, LOSES ATTRIBUTABLE IN WHOLE OR PART TO ANY DEFECTS IN THE DESIGN OR PERFORMANCE OF NEWPOLIDIOM 1.0 OR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE NEWPOLIDIOM 1.0 (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY THIRD PARTIES EVEN IF IVO PONSEN HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, OR FOR ANY CLAIM BY ANY OTHER PARTY. NOTHING IN THIS AGREEMENT LIMITS IVO PONSENS LIABILITY FOR DEATH OR PERSONAL INJURY CAUSED BY ITS NEGLIGENCE ======================================


pilowar.isoColl/ → NewPolidiom.SIS
pilowar.isoColl/ → NewPolidiom.SIS