IrTranP OPM - Infra-red Tranfer of Photos
Copyright (c) 2001-2003 by Andrew Gregory
Date Version Notes
7 April 2003 1.01 Added "ARB" image size support.
26 August 2001 1.00 First 'official' release.
OPMs are pre-written and compiled OPL modules which can be shared
between one or more applications.
The advantage of OPMs are numerous; they have already been written and
tested, thus saving the developer time; they can be used by more than
one application, so common code shared between applications is not
replicated, thus saving memory.
There can be only 8 modules loaded at a time. However, modules may be
loaded and unloaded from memory at will.
Purpose of this OPM
The purpose of this module is to allow developers to write programs
that can receive photos from digital cameras via infra-red using the
standard IrTran-P protocol.
Eventually, this OPM will be extended to allow sending of photos.
IrTranP requires the SCOMMS.OPX available from Symbian. SCOMMS.OPX is
included inside the SIS file.
Module ID
Each OPM has a unique name and ID - the name of the .opm file within the
\System\Opm\ directory of either the C: or D: drive.
The IrTranP OPM is called: IrTranP
The IrTranP OPM UID is: &100099D5
Before Use
If you are using the DECLARE EXTERNAL command to check your routines,
then you will need to copy the IrTranP.omh file to the \System\Opl\
directory on either C: or D:. You also need to put the following line
at the top of your code:
INCLUDE "IrTranP.omh"
Coding with the IrTranP OPM
REM Assumes module has been loaded.
REM Receives a photo to "C:\Test.jpg", asking for VGA (640x480) resolution
REM and a maximum size of 32768 bytes.
PROC doTran:
LOCAL hdl&, ret&, stat&, pid$( 255 )
hdl& = IrTranp_Receive&:( "C:\Test.jpg", "VGA", 32768, ADDR( stat& ) )
BUSY "Start transmitting the picture..."
IF stat& <> KStatusPending32&
ret& = IrTranp_Handle&:( hdl& )
IF ret& = 0
IF pid$ = ""
pid$ = IrTranp_GetProductId$:( hdl& )
IF pid$ <> ""
BUSY "Receiving from " + pid$ + "..."
GIPRINT GEN$( INT( IrTranp_GetComplete:( hdl& ) * 100 ), 9 ) + "%"
ELSEIF ret& = KE32ErrEof&
PRINT "Transfer complete"
PRINT "Transfer failed, Error #" + GEN$( ret&, 9 )
PRINT "Press a key..."
Available procedures
IrTranp_Receive&:( filename$, size$, maxfilesize&, pstat& )
Initiate receive of a picture. Note that the photo size (resolution)
and maximum file size are merely hints to the camera - the camera is
allowed to ignore them and do its own thing! This is a 'feature' of
the IrTran-P protocol, and not a limitation of the IrTranP OPM.
Returns a handle to be passed to other IrTranp OPM procedures.
filename$ is the filename to store the picture in
size$ specifies the size of the picture to receive:
"QVGA" = 320 x 240
"VGA" = 640 x 480
"SVGA" = 800 x 600
"XGA" = 1024 x 768
"SXGA" = 1280 x 960
"ARB" = arbitrary (unrestricted)
"m,n" = m x n (eg. "512,384")
maxfilesize& is the maximum allowed file size in bytes. A good argument
here would be the free disk space :-) Also, treats zero as 'no limit'.
pstat& is a pointer to an I/O status word
IrTranp_Handle&:( hdl& )
Handle ongoing picture receive events.
hdl& is the value returned by IrTranp_Receive&:
KE32ErrNone& ( 0) while receive progresses
KE32ErrEof& (-25) when the receive is complete
KE32ErrNoMemory& (- 4) if the receiver ran out of memory
KE32ErrInUse& (-14) if the IR port was in use (turn off your remote link!)
KE32ErrTimedOut& (-33) if a comms error occurred
IrTranp_Cancel:( hdl& )
Cancel a receive.
hdl& is the value returned by IrTranp_Receive&:
IrTranp_GetProductId$:( hdl& )
Get the product ID of the other device. Only becomes available as the
transfer proceeds.
hdl& is the value returned by IrTranp_Receive&:
IrTranp_GetComplete:( hdl& )
Gets the proportion of the transfer that has completed. Returns a
floating point value that ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. It is not guaranteed
to return 1.0 when the transfer is complete.
hdl& is the value returned by IrTranp_Receive&:
IrTranp_GetFilename$:( hdl& )
Gets the photo filename sent by the camera. Check this repeatedly
during the transfer until it gets set.
hdl& is the value returned by IrTranp_Receive&:
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