Memtrain (Memory Trainer)


MemTrain 1.0 SHORT DESCRIPTION I invented this game in 1981 (on a HP41 calculator). The program displays a series of numbers that the player must repeat. This game is similar, but has a different rule as 'Simon': here the player must push the numbers in a mental FIFO stack. The program is intended to help me fight against my forgetfulness. COMPATIBILITY The program was developped on Revo in OPL. It was tested on R5 Emulator, so should run on other EPOC machines too. INSTALLATION Either from PC, launch directly Memtrain.SIS, or copy Memtrain.SIS to the EPOC-machine and start it. The installation program adds an icon in the Extras-bar. Currently, only English language is supported. RULE OF THE GAME Let's take an example in Level 1. The machine displays a number 371, an waits for an input. As nothing is yet in our stack, the first answer is 0. Now the machine displays another number 622. We type in the previous number 371, and remember 622. Now the machine diplays 549. To continue, we must introduce the previous number 622. And so on. In Level 2, the first two answers we must give are 0, then we will have to remember at every step the two last numbers. I rarely go beyond these levels, but as a theoretical opportunity, levels up to 9 are permitted. STANDARD DISCLAIMER This program is plain vanilla freeware. It is provided "as is" with the usual legal irresponabilities. CONTACT (Patrick Hahn)


pilowar.isoColl/MEMTRN10.ZIP → MEMTRAIN.SIS