

Artillery --------- Contents: 1. Program details 2. Introduction 3. Features 4. Installation 5. Registration 6. History 7. Bugs fixed in this release 8. Disclaimer Program Details --------------- Name : Artillery Version : 2.1 Release Date : May 2001 Copyright : Nick Sydenham, 2001 E-mail : WWW : Introduction ------------ Welcome to Artillery, a game for one to four players for the EPOC Series of handheld computers. Two or more guns take turns to shoot at one another using a variety of different ammunition. The last gun alive wins the game. It has been tested on the Revo and 5mx but should work on Series 7/netBook computers as well. Let me know if you test it on these machines. As it stands, this shareware version is fully working with no disabled functions. Please note that registration does not involve reloading the program, but simply selecting the Tools|Register menu option and typing in a registration code. If you have any problems, first visit the home page ( and if that doesn't answer the question then contact me at Features -------- - one to four human or AI players - choice of landscapes - choice of ammunition - wind and gravity - save and restore games - and more... Installation ------------ 1. Unpack the Zip file to your PC or your Psion. 2. On the PC: Double click on the file artillery.sis. This will start the automatic installation of Artillery. On the Psion: Double tap on the file artillery.sis. This will start the automatic installation of Artillery. Artillery should now be accessible to you from the Extras icon. Note: If you are upgrading from a previously registered version, the program might not be able read your settings due to file format changes. Make sure you have noted down your registration code before upgrading (Tools | Register...). Registration ------------ See the RegNet Web Site at and follow the Registration instructions there. See the on-line help file for further registration options. Change History -------------- Version Date Description 2.1 05/2001 Fixed two bugs (see below) 2.0 05/2001 Better land detection, smarter AI, earthquake and mole shots, target humans, castle landscape 1.3 04/2001 Reflective sides 1.2 04/2001 High scores 1.1 03/2001 Bug fixes, save/restore game 1.0 03/2001 First release Bugs fixed in this release -------------------------- * If a shot that splits (e.g. spew) hit the maximum height the shot would carry on as if it had hit the ground normally. * If an AI player fired a shot that hit the maximum height it would continue to increase the velocity thinking that its shot had fallen short. Disclaimer ---------- The software is protected by copyright law and international treaty provisions. You acknowledge that no title to the intellectual property in the software is transferred to you. You further acknowledge that title and full ownership rights to the software will remain the exclusive property of Nick Sydenham, and you will not acquire any rights to the software except as expressly set forth in this license. You agree that any copies of the software will contain the same proprietary notices which appear on and in the software. I do not warrant that the software is error free. I have tested Artillery extensively and have found no problems. There is no liability for consequential damages. In no event shall I be liable to you for any consequential, special, incidental or indirect damages of any kind arising out of the delivery, performance or use of the software, even if I have been advised of the possibility of such damages. If you install and use this software, you are agreeing to the above mentioned points. ______________________________________________ Artillery is Copyright (C) Nick Sydenham, 2001


pilowar.isoColl/ → artillery.sis