Mocha EPOC TN3270


************************************* * Mocha EPOC TN3270 version 1.0 * * Copyright (C) MochaSoft * * All Rights Reserved * ************************************* This is the README.TXT file for Mocha EPOC TN3270 Mocha EPOC TN3270 is an application for the Psion Revo/5MX Platform. It makes it possible to connect to a host via TCP/IP with the TN3270 protocol and emulate an IBM-3238 terminal. Mocha EPOC TN3270 Features: - Supports all standard 3270 emulation features. - Small and fast. - User defined functions keys. - Hotspots (Fxx= on screen can be selected) - Screen mode 24*80. - Auto login. - 10 different codepages - Many trim parameters. - Online Help. - Free upgrades to new versions of the product. You EPOC Computer must have access to a PPP network. Either with a modem or a cable connected direct to a host with PPP support. It is not possible to use the PsiWin software to get a connection to an IBM Mainframe. *** Order *** Visit for latest information. You can order with Credit card or check. Single User license : 25 USD Company License : 250 USD Check also file register.txt *** Installation *** - unpack files with a zip utility, into a temporary catalog. - From Windows explorer click on the TN3270.SIS file and your PsiWin program will complete the installation. If your are not using PSiWin, copy TN3270.SIS to the Psion, and use Control Panel function Add program. *** Limitations *** - No printing. - No Color support *** Uninstallation *** On the Psion select Control panel function Add/Remove *** Documentation *** See file help system. Press ctrl+shift+h *** Bugs *** If any bugs are observed, or ideas for improvement of the product, please to not hesitate to contact *** Change list *** version 1.0: First version. *** List Of Files *** The Mocha EPOC TN3270 package consists of the following files. README.TXT Introductory information TN3270.sis TN3270 program LICENSE.TXT license agreement/warranty disclaimer REGISTER.TXT order form If you did not receive all these files please contact, or check


pilowar.isoColl/ETN3270.ZIP → tn3270.sis