

EpocTools v1.2 The program is freeware and copyright JvS 1999 -------------------------------------------------------- To install this program: 1. Create a new folder in the \SYSTEM\APPS folder called 'EpocTools'. If the SYSTEM folder is not visible then enable it from PREFERENCES in the TOOLS menu on the system screen. 2. Copy all the EpocTools.* files from the zip file into the new folder. 3. Copy all the *.OPX files from the zipfile to a folder called OPX in the SYSTEM folder on your C: drive. -------------------------------------------------------- Revision history. Version 1.20 - 10th January 1999 * Final changes to some dialogs and procedures. * New icons created Version 1.10 - 21th August 1998 * Program layout changed. * Defrag Memory utility added * Some bugs fixed Version 1.00 - 05th January 1998 * Initial release.


pilowar.isoColl/EpocTools.zip → EpocTools.app