Version 1.75
AmpComm is a program to control winamp from your EPOC device
It has been tested on a Revo but should work on all Epoc Release 5(ER5) machines
(I think this is right, tell me if one of these isn't an ER5 Machine
Although if I remember correctly the osiris is technically ER4, but thats just an earier version of ER5)
Series 5
Series 5MX
Revo Plus
Diamond Mako
Ericsson MC218
Series 7
Contact me if you have any problems with the program.
However I cannot help you with problems in the winamp plugin since it is not my work.
Run the sis file on your PC or EPOC device to install AmpComm, and run it from your extras menu.
Systinfo.opx, sysram1.opx and NMPD.opx are required by the program and are included in the install file
To install the winamp plugin copy gen_serialcontrol.dll and serialcontrol.ini to your winamp plugin directory
Once the main screen has come up you should see the info for the currently playing track.
Pressing a key at this point will execute a function
The default keys match winamp and are as follows
Z - Previous Track
X - Play
C - Pause
V - Stop
B - Next Track
S - Shuffle Toggle
R - Repeat Toggle
Left - Back 5 Seconds
Right - Forward 5 Seconds
Up - Volume Up
Down - Volume Down
Shift + Z - Skip Back 10 Tracks
Shift + B - Skip Forward 10 Tracks
These keys can all be changed from the config dialog
You can set two commands to the same key, but I don't recommend it.
These keys are fixed and cannot be changed
Ctrl + E - Exit Program
Ctrl + A - About dialog
Ctrl + K - Configuration
The configuration dialog can be brought up by pressing Ctrl + K.
The General page can be used to turn off the track info display, or change it's update frequency, this is useful since the track info can be a drain on the batteries.
You can also stop the program disabling auto off here
The use shift keys is on by default and allows you to set different commands to A and Shift+A(for example)
Turn this off to have both keys perform the same function
I.E. with this off A and Shift+A would do the same thing
You can also change the font here
The Next three pages deal with changing the various keys used in the program.
The Port page is used to change the setting for connecting to the PC. The defaults match the defaults I have setup for the winamp plugin.
If you are having trouble connecting you may want to try and fiddle with the first four values.
You will have to restart AmpComm for the settings to take effect.
The final value, Timeout, sets how long the program waits before deciding a read or write has failed, at lower baud rates you may need to increase this value
Use the test mode button if you wish to reconfigure the program to work with plugin update/different programs. It works as follows:
The program you are configuring needs to include some kind of learn feature.
Provided it has you simply choose learn on your program, choose the command you want to send from the list in AmpComm, then press enter. AmpComm will send the command and hopefully the program at the other end will learn.
Using the included winamp plugin, assuming no configuration exists
1. Start up winamp
2. Open up winamp preferences
3. Goto general plugins and open the plugin preferences
4. Configure the com port setting as necessary and open the port
5. Goto the winamp tab and select play from the list
6. Open up AmpComm and press k to open the preferences
7. Press Ctrl+T to open the test mode dialog
8. Choose play from the list
9. On the winamp plugin click learn, a box will come up.
10. Now press enter on AmpComm, it will send the command for play along the serial port, hopefully the learn box has now disappeared meaning the command has been learnt.
The last item on the list are used is used by my program to request Winamps track info from the plugin.
If you wish to reconfigure what is sent back you can create a new output in the plugin and learn this value.
Delete the old one first by removing the checkmark next to it and then clicking delete
The default is %10xF0\r%50xF1\r%60xF2\r
Which outputs:
The Ascii character referenced by F0 hex (more below)
The track title (%1)
A carrage return (\r)
Then it outputs the track length and track position in a similar style
You could for example create an output:
0xF0%1 (%3 of %4)\r0xF1%5\r0xF2%6\r
Which would return a title in the style of
The White Stripes-Jolene (45 of 100)
Where that is the 45th track in a playlist of 100
Feel free to play around as a full list of the avalible % commands is listed in the Add output dialog
The 0x?? are used by my program to work out what should go where.
The Title is prefixed by 0xF0
The Time by 0xF1
and the track position by 0xF2
In version 2 this system will allow some nice tricks. I've only added it here to fix a bug.
Whatever you send back must have 3 carrage returns in. No more, no less. Though my program should just act a little funny(not crashing) if you dont adhear to this rule
Serial Control Plugin is written by Henrik Husted and is included here with permission
His website is, http://henrik.husted.net
Although he is no longer developing the Winamp 2 plugin a winamp3 version is in beta. maybe you will have more luck than I have had so far.
The test mode is essential here if you wish to use the winamp3 version.
There is also a winamp3 plugin that should allow you to use the existing plugin
That can be found here: http://members.telocity.com/~schweitn/wa3
The config file supplied for the winamp plugin assumes your device is connected to serial port 1 (Com 1) you may have to change this.
The plugin is setup to automatically connect to that port, meaning the EPOC Connect software will be unable to connect.
Connect to your device while winamp is not running if you need to connect, but you will then not be able to use AmpComm
The program automatically disables the link if set to cable, and re-enables it on closing
By default the program also disables the auto switch off, and sets it on again at exit if necessary
Future Plans
In order of priority
Version 2.0 will be skinnable (or as skinnable as an epoc program can be)
Make a help file
Version 3.0(If I get that far) will feature a redesign of the way commands are handled
Ultimately the code may morph into a general purpose fully configurable serial control device
With full control over what it sent/received allowing work with many programs at once.
Revision History
+ New Feature
- Feature Removed
! Bug Fix
* Other Note
+ Added support for changing the display font
+ Added back/forward 10 tracks, please update your serialcontrol.ini or add the new commands in test mode
+ Added the ability to configure a, e & k to perform winamp commands
+ Added the ability to use shift variations of all keys, can be turned off though(all shifted variations would act like not shifted versions).
! Changed the track info system, on update interval only one command is sent.
This means that the default update frequency is 20(1 Second) I recommend you change your settings
This also improves responsiveness when winamp is slow to reply.
! I've fixed the bug where track, time and position could get mixed up.
* This will be the last version before 2.00 barring any needed maintenance releases
* I am currently desiging the skin format and writing a program to edit skins
Any suggestions for the skins would be nice
+ Added ability to disable changing the auto off setting
! Changed text of one of the error dialogs
* Renamed display tab of config dialog to general
* Reordered tab order
+ Added Test Mode
! Changed font of Info display, more characters should fit on screen now
* Fixed many little errors in this readme
+ Added config dialog
+ Configuration of keys
+ Option to turn off the track info, or set it's update frequency
+ Options to configure the serial port, don't forget to change the winamp plugin
settings too
- Removed menu, it was pretty useless
! Changed one error message to make it more user friendly
* Now uses Neuon's Multipage Dialog OPX... Included in sis file
* Now uses sysram1.opx and systinfo.opx by Symbian... Included in sis file
+ Made the program disable auto switch off while running, will be configurable when I do the configuration dialog
* I am working on the dialog slowly, press k to see
! Improved timing for getting info, should get less unknowns
* Began to implement configuration, not ready yet though
! Improved responsiveness when the program cannot read track info
! AmpComm no longer closes if it encounters a time-out on reading, useful if something is slowing down the response time of the plugin
+ Added feature to get info back from winamp
- Removed "AmpComm Running..." due to it not being needed
+ Added About Box
! Shortened caption text to fit Revo extras bar
+ Added More Commands, shuffle, repeat, volume control and Seeking commands
+ Added Automatic disabling of remote link
+ First Version
Contact Info
Please e-mail me if you're using this program, i'd like to know if anyone else finds it useful
Copyright Info
AmpComm ©2001-2002 Robin Zalek (aka BtEO)
NMPD.opx copyright © Alex Wilbur, Henry Hurst & Neuon 1999
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