Version 1.30 - September 2002
Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Roberto Colistete Jr. & Pocket IQ
Smuggers is a full-featured arcade game for Symbian OS v3-5
(Epoc Release 3-5).
Try to escape from the Smuggers elephant monsters walking and
jumping in many different mazes. You can lose jumps while
touching the Spider, but after eating almost all of the points of
the maze, the Spider will start blinking. Then you will have 10
seconds to catch the Spider and pass to another level and maze.
Are you skilful enough ?
Features of Smuggers:
- sized to fit the screen of each different machine type, using
graylevels or colours;
- 6 game difficulty levels, with or without increasing speed;
- 50 mazes, in sequence or random order;
- 1 or 2 players mode;
- user defined keys, even after starting the game;
- intelligent reading of the keys;
- high scores table for each difficulty level;
- sound (except on Osaris);
- two options of animation quality;
- the best high scores of registered users are shown in the
Pocket IQ site;
- the Pocket IQ site regularly hosts competitions of high scores
with Smuggers T-shirts as prizes.
Shareware version 1.30 for the Series 5, GeoFox One, Osaris,
Series 5mx, MC218, Revo, Revo+, Diamond Mako, Series 7 and
Release History
Version 1.30 (09/2002):
- 50 mazes, with 10 new mazes;
- reduced registration cost from £10 to £5;
- the "Esc" key speeds the bonus counting after catching or
losing the Spider;
- a very rare bug corrected on Series 7/netBook machines, related
to playing sounds at the same time generating a fatal error;
- the Series 7/netBook machines now have the splash and high
score screens with some coloured texts;
- the SIS file now includes the latest version of "SysRam1.SIS"
OPX file, v1.20, instead of v1.01, but without any
consequences on Smuggers.
Version 1.20 (03/2002):
- 3 new difficulty levels, "Always Easy", "Always Medium"
and "Always Hard", without increasing difficulty, i.e., the
speed of the elephants and spider do not increase;
- added artistic drawings on Series 5/5mx family, Revo family,
GeoFox One and Osaris machines;
- some improvements to the "Change keys...", "Show keys..." and
"Use default keys..." dialogs;
- the limitations for unregistered users were changed : 3 free
levels for "Always Easy"/"Easy", 2 for "Always Medium"/"Medium",
1 for "Always Hard"/"Hard".
Version 1.10 (02/2002):
- added compatibility to Series 7/netBook using full screen
graphics, colours and artistic drawings;
- 6 maze block types using graylevels, or 10 maze block types
using colours;
- improved graphics for the Revo, Series 5, GeoFox and Osaris
- the Pocket IQ site will monthly display the best scores of
registered users. The user must play at least the version 1.10,
and send the "C:\System\Apps\Smuggers\Smuggers.ini" file to the
author of Smuggers;
- the Pocket IQ site will regularly hosts competitions of high
scores with Smuggers T-shirts as prizes;
- high score info is shown during a one-player game;
- the default minimum high score is set to 5000 points;
- Osaris SIS file does not include sound files anymore;
- faster saving of the "Smuggers.ini" in the directory
- a confirmation dialog is shown for any "Abort game" or "Close"
during the game;
- one bug correction, with "Lose life" during maze
Version 1.00 (01/2002):
- first public release.
Download Zip File Details
Choose the Smuggers zipped SIS file for your machine, see the
Pocket IQ Internet site, www.PocketIQ.com.
The zip file should contain the following files:
Licence.txt (licence agreement text file)
ReadMe.txt (this file)
Smuggers$Machine$.SIS (instalation file for Smuggers)
Where $Machine$ can be S5, GeoFox, Osaris, Revo and S7.
There are different installation files because Smuggers is
optimized for speed performance and the sizes of the graphics are
specific to each screen size.
To install Smuggers simply double-click the SIS file to install
all the required files. Or use the "Install New Program" option in
PSIWIN (EPOC Install). If you have the latest PSIWIN or EPOC
Install then everything will happen automatically. If you don't
have these then you need to get the installation file SETUP.EXE,
which can be downloaded from "www.psion.com/downloads".
You can also copy the Smuggers SIS file directly to your Symbian
machine and double select it to launch the install program.
This will install Smuggers and also install the PIQinfo.SIS file
for the essential Pocket IQ common files and the SYSRAM1.SIS file
to install the essential system files.
To install a new version of Smuggers, do not uninstall the
previous one ! If you uninstall it, the registration, high scores
and preferences will be lost.
But you may want to delete the "\System\Apps\Smuggers\Smuggers.ini"
of the Smuggers version 1.00 to use the easier default high scores of
the next versions of Smuggers.
Using the EPOC Emulator for Windows : install the Smuggers SIS
file, but do not accept the installation of SYSRAM1.SIS. The
SYSRAM1W.SIS file (compatible with the EPOC emulador for Windows)
must be installed.
Running Smuggers
Start the program by selecting the 'Extras' from the Application
bar and then 'Smuggers'.
A complete on-line help is provided and can be accessed from the
Enjoy playing Smuggers!
Smuggers is shareware, not free software. See the "Licence
agreement" topic.
A registered version has the following advantages:
- unlimited number of levels and "Jump to maze..." function
- the Pocket IQ Internet site, www.PocketIQ.com, monthly publishes
the best scores of registered users;
- the same site regularly hosts competitions of high scores with
Smuggers T-shirts as prizes;
- support by email;
- free upgrades to future versions.
Registration costs only £5, or the equivalent in many other
To register Smuggers, read the on-line help and visit the Pocket
IQ Internet site, www.PocketIQ.com, click on "Register" and
follow the registration instructions.
Pocket IQ support
If you require further help or information on any Pocket IQ
product you can contact support via the Pocket IQ Internet site
You can send comments, questions and bug reports to the author,
Roberto Colistete Jr., via the email
Memory usage
After the installation of Smuggers, the files in the directory
"..\System\Apps\Smuggers" take approx. 300 KB (on Series 7/
netBook: 430 KB). But the optional "Sounds" directory has 154 KB
(it is not present on the Osaris version), and it can be removed
if for you the memory constraint is more important than the
sound effects.
On Series 7/netBook : the "Art" directory has the optional files
"Splash.mbm", "HiScores.mbm" and "AllDown.mbm", with artistic
drawings. If deleted, a simplified splash screen will be used,
no graphics will be shown with the high scores, and the bottom
drawing in the game screen will not be displayed. Without them,
you can save 150 KB, and more than 300 KB of running memory.
Other machines : the "Art" directory has the optional files
"Splash.mbm" and "HiScores.mbm", with artistic drawings. If
deleted, a simplified splash screen will be used, and no graphics
will be shown with the high scores. Without them, you can save
22 to 54 KB, and about 50 KB of running memory.
Maze details
Smuggers v1.30 has 50 mazes, placed in the directory
The file format is the MBM (EPOC Picture) format, using 37 rows
and 21 lines with 4 gray levels mode. So, the "Sketch" application
can import these files by using the menu "Files/More/Merge in..."
and choosing "EPOC Picture" as file type. The "Sketch" can also
export to the MBM format, see the menu "Files/More/Export...".
It is possible to add new mazes, and Smuggers will read the
number of MBM files in this directory as the number of mazes. The
format of the filename is "MazeN.mbm" (N=1...9), or "MazeNN.mbm"
(N=10...99), or even "MazeNNN.mbm" (N=100...999).
Yes, Smuggers supports a maximum of 999 mazes !
The maze files must be in sequence order, i.e., if there are 50
mazes then the filenames begin with "Maze1.mbm" and end with
Then you are free to create new mazes, modify them, etc, using
for example the "Sketch" application.
A forthcoming version of Smuggers will have a maze manager to :
reorder mazes, delete, insert, etc.
Licence agreement
The End User Licence Agreement is attached to the ZIP file as a
separate text file ("Licence.txt").
Smuggers for Symbian OS v3-5 and all associated files are
Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Roberto Colistete Jr. and Pocket IQ.
All Rights Reserved.
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