******* MeasureSuite *******
by Dr. Röbbe Wünschiers
*version 1.1*
June 2002
*** Quick Start ***
MeasureSuite is a program for the Psion 5/Revo/Mako that will read data from
an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) connected to the serial port. MeasureSuite
was designed to work with the ADC "Umweltspion" from the company AK-Modulbus
GmbH (http://www.ak-modul-bus.de/technik/spion.html). This ADC has a build in
temperature, light, and noise sensor. The program displays temperature, light,
noise, voltage (0-4V) or resistance and the state of a digital input. These
data are also written into a text file which can either be processed with the
build in spreadsheet application or transferred to the PC.
NOTE: For testing the program without the analog-to-digital converter it has
a simulation mode.
*** More Info ***
Once you started MeasureSuite you can excess the build in help from the menu!
*** Installation ***
ToastMaster comes zipped with two files. The file you just read (readme.txt)
needs not to be installed on the Psion. The file MSuite.sis can be executed
from either the PC (if you have PsiWin) or from the Psion 5/Revo/Mako. It
will create the folder MSuite in the c:\system\apps\ folder. A program icon
named MSuite will then appear in the extras menu. MeasureSuite can only be
installed on drive C!
*** Registration ***
MeasureSuite is shareware and data acquisition will shut down after 5 min in
the unregistered version. You can register by sending an email with your
name (at least 6 letters) and your email address to rw@biowasserstoff.de.
I then send you the address to which you send a 5 Euro note. In return you
will get your personal registration code.
*** Terms of usage ***
Any comments are welcome! I do not take any responsibility for the results of
using the program or connected third party products, neither physically, nor
Contact me: rw@biowasserstoff.de
New versions can be found at http://members.tripod.de/roebbe/
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