Wine Cabinet (Cabinet Suite) 172.4 kB


Wine Cabinet 2.2 for the Psion Series 5 (C) Palmscape & Pythia Information 1998 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Released as shareware in July 1998 Organizes your wine collection and wine notes. Installation: ------------ If you are upgrading from Personal Wine Cabinet read the Upgrade section below. 1) Make sure the \System folder is shown on your Series 5 system screen. If it's not, enable it in the 'Preferences' dialogue. 2) Using PsiWin copy the files PYTHIA.OPO, CABINET.OPO, EXPORT.OPO, PS.OPO and PS.MBM to the folder \system\opl (you might have to create the folder) 3) Go into \System\Apps on C: or D: and make a new folder called "Wine" 4) Using PsiWin, copy the following files to the new \System\Apps\Wine folder: wine.aif wine.mbm wine.hlp ratings.dbf 4) Copy the file sysram1.opx in the folder \system\opx 5) A new icon should appear on your Extras bar NOTE: Some times files become read only while being installed. None of the files should be read only. If you get any errors like the program is unable to write information to your Psion go through the program files to see if some of them are read only. In the system-view you can open the file property window by selecting (highlighting) a file and pressing Ctrl-P. In the property window you can see and set/clear the read only checkbox. Upgrade from Personal Wine Cabinet: -------- To upgrade from Personal Wine Cabinet to Wine Cabinet: 1) Upgrade your Personal Wine Cabinet to version 1.3. Version 1.3 can be downloaded from Do not try to upgrade from any other version of Personal Wine Cabinet. 2) Make a complete export off all wines from Personal Wine Cabinet in List format (do not use Form format). Make sure that all seperators/ enclosers do not exist as part of your fields. A good choice of seperators/enclosers might be: Record seperator: @@@ Field seperator: ### Field encloser: $$$ Make sure that all fields are included in the export (that none of the fields have a blank sequence number). Make a note of the sequence numbers of all fields (this note will be used on step 5). To make sure that your tasting notes are not truncated use the following settings for notes: No of lines: 0 Max line length: 9999 3) Rename the existing system\apps\wine directory (you might call it PWC). Keep this copy of the old files until the upgrade is complete. 4) Install Wine Cabinet as explained in the Install section. 5) Import the export file that you generated in 2). Make sure that the import format match the export format and that all fields have the same sequence numbers as they had during the export. 6) Be aware that the file "Ratings.dbf" contains the Area/Vintage ratings. If you maintained this file yourself you should be careful not to overwrite it when installing Wine Cabinet. If you did not maintain the Area/Vintage ratings yourself you should always use the newest version of the file. When upgrading from Personal Wine Cabinet to Wine Cabinet you can copy the "Ratings.dbf" from your Personal Wine Cabinet installation (the two programs use the same "Ratings.dbf" file structure). 7) The wine type descriptions are not included in the export file, so while importing all wine types will be created with a wine type description which is the same as the wine type code. After import you will have to change the wine type descriptions using Shift-Ctrl-T. All the wines are still imported with the correct wine type so will not have to update the individual wines. 8) Make sure that everything has been imported correctly. 9) Remove the Personal Wine Cabinet folder (system\apps\PWC). Upgrade from version prior to version 2.2: -------- 1) Backup the .DBF and .INI files of all your Cabinet Suite applications. 2) Perform the installation as described above. Do NOT over write or remove the files with the extention .DBF or .INI. 3) Make sure that no Cabinet Suite application is being run. 4) Copy the CabUpg11.opo to any directory and execute it by double tapping on it's icon. The program will upgrade all your Cabinet Suite .DBF files. 5) Delete the CabUpg11.opo file. 6) All your Cabinet Suite applications are now upgraded to version 2.2. Note, you only need to perform this upgrade once. You should not try to upgrade each Cabinet Suite application individually. Usage: ------ Press Ctrl+Shift+H to see help file. History: -------- 1998.07.03: Version 2.2 - New utility to store sql queries for reuse. 1998.06.08: Version 2.1 - New utility (Find Note) to search through the Cabinet Notes - Serious increase of size for the Where Clause specification from about 30 charaters to about 220 characters. Now you can really make advanced searches - Faster - Some bug fixes 1998.05.25: Version 2.0.5 - Bugs connected to very long wine names, areas, producers etc fixed - Multiline alert boxes implemented (for long messges) 1998.05.21: Version 2.0.3 - Export/Import bug fixed - Summary fails if no amounts have been entered: fixed - Position marker can now show more than 2 digit positions. 1998.05.18: Version 2.0.2 - Cabinet Gold Code enabled - Fixed: When toolbar is hidden fields disappear 1998.05.14: Version 2.0.1 - Palmscape splash screen shown during startup. 1998.05.10: Version 2.0 - The Cabinet Suite started on version 2.0 because Personal Wine Cabinet is considered version 1 of The Cabinet Suite. Bugs: ----- Registering: ------------ Registering the program will give you the following benefits: 1) The register window will not pop up on startup 2) You get free support via e-mail ( 3) You will be informed about all new releases of the program directly via e-mail 4) Your suggestions to new functionalities will be implemented (as far as resources permits it) Pricing: Cabinet Suite programs are registered using a Cabinet Gold Code. This code is valid for all present and future Cabinet Suite programs. The Cabinet Gold Code costs USD 30, GBP 20 or DKK 200. If you already have registered Personal Wine Cabinet Suite you get a discount of USD 15, GBP 10 or DKK 100 when buying a Cabinet Gold Code. How to register You can register the program in two ways: 1) By sending cash Send: 1) The name of the person(s) to have the program registered 2) The name of the program that you want to register 3) The correct amount of money. to: Pythia Information Kongensvej 3 DK-2000 Frederiksberg Denmark E-mail: You do not have to use M.O. Just send cash. 2) On-line registering with credit card (add USD 5 for credit card handling) Go to the Palmscape home page at: After receiving your registering fee I will mail you a Key that you can use to register the program. Made by: -------- Marc de Oliveira for Palmscape & Pythia Information Web: E-mail:



