
The files included with this distribution: README.TXT This file SOLIPEG.DOC Game documentation SOLIPEG.APP Solipeg Application SOLIPEGL.APP Solipeg Lite Application PUZZLIB.RZC Optional external puzzle library for Lite version SOLI1.WVE Wave files for game play (Optional) SOLI2.WVE SOLI3.WVE SOLI4.WVE Further files included in the source distribution: (V1.5 of this program was analyzed in an article in PDA Developers 3.4) SOLIPEG.PR TopSpeed project file SOLIPEG.CAT Category file SLRESVER.H Header defining resource version SOLGLOB.H Global definitions SOLMAIN.C Source File - main(), SOLAM, SOLWS SOLCM.C Source File - SOLCM SOLENG.C Source File - SOLENG SOLDLG.C Source File - SOLDLG_XXX SOLEL.C Source File - SOLEL SOLTASK.C Source File - SOLTASK SOLWIN.C Source File - SOLWIN UNDOMAN.C Source File - UNDOMAN WAVEAO.C Source File - WAVEAO SOLIPEG.C CTRAN Generated source file SOLIPEG.G CTRAN generated header SOLIPEG.EXT Output from CTRAN SOLIPEG.AFL Add-file list for Solipeg (full version) SOLIPEGL.AFL Add-file list for Solipeg Lite SOLIPEG.MS Series 3a shell data/application description SOLIPEG.PIC Embedded picture SOLIPEG.RSS Resource script for Solipeg embedded resource SOLIPEGL.RSS Resource script for Solipeg Lite embedded resource SOLIPEG.CRS Resources common to Solipeg and Solipeg Lite PUZZLIB.RSS A resource script to generate a Solipeg external library SOLIPEG.RE Method numbers for menu items SOLIPEG.RG Method numbers for menu items (generated) SOLIPEG.RSG Resource compiler generated header (resource ids) SOLIPEGL.RSG Resource compiler generated header (resource ids)


NWT_Psion3.tarNWT_Psion3/games/ → SOLPEG21.ZIP → SOLIPEG.APP
pilowar.isoColl/Series3/SITGMA.ZIP → SOLPEG21.ZIP → SOLIPEG.APP