
Porfolio v.1.3d
Shareware proposed by Guillaume Dupont
Porfolio is an application for the management of a portfolio of shares
on a Psion S3a or S3c. Its main features are:
- several share accounts can be created and managed
- details of each account can be displayed in text mode or in graphical
mode (quick toggle between 3 different display modes)
- one single data base, where each share has its last quote, currency
of quotation and date of last quote
- several currencies with exchange rates and date of last update (a
home currency is defined)
- the average purchase price of each share in each account is updated
after each purchase
- capital gains/losses are recorded by account after each sale
- dividend/expenses can be recorded, by share and by account
- a "Cash" option can be switched On/Off for each account
- a quote history graph can be created for each share and updated
- last quotes can be imported from a text file (like quotes.cis,
generated by ReadCIS), and automatically recorded in the data base
and in the quote history files
- a summary graphical display of all accounts is available
- several synthetic reports are available (gains/losses by account,
transactions between two dates, Internal Rate of Return,...)
- data can be exported to a spreadsheet or to a .pic file for printing.
Porfolio is a Shareware. The demonstration version allows to handle
three shares and two currencies only in the data base and in the
different accounts.
The porfolio.zip file contains the following files:
- readme.txt is this documentation
- porfolio.opa is the application file (no more porfolio.ovl)
- porfolio.rsc is a help file
It is strongly recommended to install Plotuw8, a sister
application of Porfolio. The corresponding file is no more
included in Porfolio.zip, but should be available in the same
library, where you have found Porfolio.
To install Porfolio:
- copy porfolio.opa to an \app\ directory on any disk
- copy porfolio.rsc to the \opd\ directory on the INTERNAL disk
- install the application like any other Psion application: press
<Psion-I> in the system screen, etc...
- start Porfolio
- when asked, name your home currency (dialog window). You can use
up to 3 letters (USD, DEM, CHF,...)
- select the disk, on which you want the data files and working files
to be installed (dialog window). This must NOT be a Flash SSD.
The program will automatically do the following:
- create an \app\porfolio\ directory on the same disk, where you
have installed the application file porfolio.opa
- move porfolio.rsc to this \app\porfolio\
- create an \opd\porfolio\ directory on the disk, which you have selected
for the data and working files
- create a first data base with two "dummy" shares (Psion PLC and Big
Sister Corp). These can be deleted later (see Housekeeping)
- create a first empty account, named Porfolio.
To install version 1.3d if you had already installed a previous version:
- replace the file porfolio.opa (in an \app\ directory) with the new file
- replace the files porfolio.rsc (in an \app\porfolio\ directory) with
the new file (the programme will delete the now useless porfolio.ovl)
- do not move any file to or from the \opd\porfolio\ directory
See the file changes.txt for information on the major changes from
previous versions.
If you later wish to move the data files to another disk (in no case a
Flash SSD):
- create an \opd\porfolio\ directory on this new disk
- move all the files from the original \opd\porfolio\ to the new one
- delete the original \opd\porfolio\ directory.
If you wish to move the application files to another disk (which can
be a Flash SSD):
- move porfolio.opa to the \app\ directory on this new disk
- create an \app\porfolio\ directory on this new disk
- move porfolio.rsc to the new \app\porfolio\
- delete the old \app\porfolio\
- remove the porfolio application in the system screen, and re-install it.
Press <Enter> on the Porfolio icon. Once Porfolio is started, press
<Help> for instructions. I strongly recommend, that you go through all
the screens of the help menu, to get all the benefits of Porfolio. The
content of all the Help screens is reproduced at the end of this
The menu options themselves, which are displayed when the <Menu> key
is pressed, are self explanatory.
The way Porfolio displays information in fast moving windows imposes
limitations on some numbers:
- the maximum total number of shares and currencies in the base is
approximately 120
- the maximum number of shares and currencies in one account is 40
- the maximum number of transactions which can be displayed at once
for one account is 90. This means that, if you have recorded more, you
will have to set date limits for the display.
- 20 accounts can be managed simultaneously
One thing Porfolio does NOT do is print. However it is possible to export
data to a .spr file, or to a .pic file, and print from there...
Porfolio is a Shareware. You can use it freely during 14 days. After
this period, if you find it useful, please register. Otherwise remove it
from your computer.
The registration fee is US$30. This fee includes a "free" registration
to Plotuw8, the sister application of Porfolio. Note that special conditions
apply to registered users of Plotuw8 (contact me).
You can register online on CompuServe via SWREG (GO SWREG.
Registration ID=14005).
Alternatively you can send US$30, GBP20, DM50, CHF40, or FF150 in
cash by mail. Send bank notes, no checks. Do not forget to send your
e-mail address with payment. Note that sending cash by mail is at
sender's risk. My address is:
Guillaume Dupont
25, rue Pauline Borghese
92200 Neuilly sur Seine
Registered users will receive via e-mail a registration code, which unlocks
the programme (number of shares) and removes nagging screens. They
will also receive a registration code for Plotuw8.
Disclaimer of responsibility.
Users of Porfolio must accept this disclaimer of warranty: "Porfolio is
supplied as is. The author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied,
including, without limitation, warranties of fitness for any purpose. The
author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which
may result from the use of Porfolio or any of its accompanying files".
The following instructions are available on line
from the help menu of Porfolio.
Porfolio can manage several share accounts, record information
on transactions, on quotes and exchange rates, and produce
synthetic information:
- on the day to day value of each account, line by line, in text or
graphic mode
- on the whole set of accounts
- on the transactions recorded between two dates, by account,
with cumulated gains/losses.
Information on the shares is stored in one single common data
base, where each share has:
- a name
- a ticker (see "Import from text file")
- a currency of quotation
- a last quote, expressed in this currency
- a date of last quote
A share must be created in the data base (Psion-N), before it can be
purchased (Psion-B), in one or several accounts.
Share quotes can be updated manually or automatically, by
import from a text file or from the graphical application Plotuw8.
Hot keys
- <Tab> in account display screen >> graph of history of quotes
for the highlighted share.
- <Shift+Enter> in account display screen >> history of
transactions for the highlighted share.
- <Enter> in "detail of quotes" account display screen >> update
of quote for highlighted share.
- <Enter> in transactions display screen >> cost/revenue per
unit for the highlighted transaction.
- <Escape> in any screen >> return to account display screen.
Account display
The name of the account is displayed in the upper left corner of the
There are three different modes for the display of details in the
central window. Press <Diamond> to toggle display modes. The display mode
at startup can be set in "Preferences".
In the "bar graph" mode, the central window shows for each share:
- name of the share
- potential capital gain/loss on this line, as a percentage of the
amount invested
- amount invested in the share (at purchase cost) = the thin line on
the graph
- present value of the line (at last quote) = the thick line on the graph
- present value of the line, as a percentage of the total value of the
In the "detail of quotes" mode the central window shows:
- name of the share
- number or shares in the account
- average purchasing cost, in home currency (updated after each
- last quote, and currency of quotation
- date of last quote
In the "capital gain/loss" mode, the central window shows:
- name of the share
- amount invested in the share
- potential capital gain/loss on the share, in total value and as a
percentage of the amount invested
- present value of the line (at last quote)
Use the arrows (or PgUp/PgDn, or Ctrl-PgUp/Ctrl-PgDn) to move up
and down in the central window.
The bottom of the screen shows the total amount invested, the
total potential capital gain/loss, and the total net value of the
account (at last quotes).
Share purchase
Press <Psion-B> to record a purchase in the currently displayed
account. The following information is required:
- name of the share (selection window)
- date of transaction
- quantity purchased
- cost of purchase (with currency).
The programme converts the cost of purchase into home
currency and calculates:
- the number of shares in the account after the purchase
- the new average purchase cost of the share in the account.
Note that if the "Cash" option is ON for the account, enough
cash must be available in the account before the purchase,
in the currency of purchase (see "Cash and cash transfers").
After the purchase, the cash line is debited of the amount of
the purchase.
Share sale
Press <Psion-S> to record a sale of the highlighted share in the
currently displayed account. Complementary information:
- date of transaction
- quantity sold
- net revenue from the sale (and currency).
The programme converts the amount into the home currency,
and calculates:
- the number of shares in the account after the sale
- the capital gain/loss from the sale.
If the "Cash" option is ON, a cash line is credited of the amount
of the purchase (in the currency of transaction).
Dividends & expenses
Press <Psion-D> to record a dividend or another income or expense,
related to the share highlighted or to the account itself. The amount
is converted and recorded in home currency for reporting purposes
(see "History of transactions").
If the "Cash" option is ON, a cash line is credited (debited) of the
amount of the income (expense), in the currency of transaction.
Updating share quotes
In "detail of quotes" account display screen: press <Enter> to
update the last quote of the highlighted share.
In any account display mode: press <Psion-Q> to load a table of all the
last quotes with dates. Move up and down with arrows (or
PgUp/PgDn, or Ctrl-PgUp/PgDn). Press the initial letter of a
share name to reach it quicker. Enter a number or press <Enter>
to open a little quote update window. Confirm or modify the date
of last update.
See "Import from text file" or "Update from graphs" for
automatic update of quotes.
A "home" currency is defined at the first run of the
programme. Several other currencies can be created
with <Psion-C>. All currencies are shown as "_Cash xxx" lines
in the share table called by <Psion-Q>. Exchange rates can be
updated in the same way as share quotes.
Cash & cash transfers
A "Cash" option can be switched ON and OFF separately for
each account (Shift-Psion-F). When it is ON, an account can have
one cash line for every currency. This line is created
automatically the first time a currency is used in the account,
and then credited/debited each time a sale/purchase, a
dividend/expense or a cash transfer is recorded.
"Cash" is ON at startup for every new account created.
Use <Shift-Psion-C> to transfer/withdraw cash to/from the
account (command available only when "Cash" is ON). Note
that cash transfers are not recorded in history files, and not
reported by <Psion-Y>.
History of transactions
Press <Shift+Enter> in the account display screen for a detailed
report of the transactions on the highlighted share. The central
window displays for each transaction:
- date
- name of the share
- number of shares traded
- net amount of the transaction (purchase or sale)
- capital gain/loss (sale) or income/expense (dividend)
Note that simple cash transfers are not reported.
The bottom window displays on two lines:
- the total of sales and the total of corresponding capital gains
- the total of dividends and other incomes.
Press <Psion-I> to calculate the Internal Rate of Return of the investment
in the share: all recorded cash flows concerning the share are taken
into account, plus a final positive cash flow, equal to the value of the
shares in hand (last quote), at the date of calculation (today).
Alternatively <Psion-Y> in the account display screen produces a detailed
report of all transactions in the account between two dates.
Press <Psion-D> to change the range of limit dates for display.
Press <Psion-K> to "compress" all records before a given date:
- all records of dividends, incomes or expenses are erased
- records of sales and purchases of every single share are replaced
by one purchase record per share (date = date of the last record
"compressed", number of shares = number in hand after this
record, amount = amount invested at that time, at average
purchase price). If the number in hand at the given date is zero
for a particular share, no record is created for this share.
Press <Psion-U> to update or delete the highlighted record. The effect
of the change on later transactions (net position, average purchase
price,...) is calculated after each change. Note that when a sale is
larger than the balance, resulting in a negative balance, an error
message is raised, but the sale is NOT cancelled. It is up to the user
to correct the appropriate record(s)...
Press <Psion-L> for a summary on the present value of all accounts. The
central window gives on one line for each account:
- name of the account
- potential capital gain/loss, as percentage of the investment value
- investment value (purchasing costs) = the thin line of the graph
- net value (at last quotes) = the thick line of the graph
- value of the account as percentage of the total of all accounts.
Press <Shift-Psion-L> to produce a synthetic report on all transactions
recorded between two dates in all accounts, showing total
purchases, total sales, and total income (capital gains/losses,
dividends, expenses) by account. In this screen, press <Enter> for
a detailed report on the highlighted account (same result as <Psion-Y>
in the account display screen).
Press <Shift-Psion-Y> for access to a menu on history of the total net
value (graph). Note that entry of new records is not automatic. It
has to be done from this menu (single record or all accounts at
Quote history graphs
The history of each quote can be recorded and displayed in a
graphical form, using the Plotuw8 application. The procedure
is as follows:
- the Plotuw8 application must be installed
- each share, for which a history file is wanted, must have a
"ticker" (see corresp. help page)
- press <Tab> to create/display a graph, when a share name
is highlighted, in the account display mode (main screen) or
in the quote display/update window <Psion-Q>
- history files can be updated automatically each time new
quotes are entered (see "Preferences")
Plotuw8 is a simple and easy to use multipurpose plotting
application. When installed on any disk of the Psion, it can
be called directly from Porfolio to record and display the
history of the quotes of all or part of the shares in a
portfolio. The full application, with its documentation and
help file, is included in a plotuw8.zip file, usually available in
the same libraries as porfolio.
To call Plotuw8 from an account display screen:
- highlight a share, which has a ticker
- press <Tab>
- if the share does not have a history file yet,
press <C> to create one, and give a file name.
Press <Psion-X> to return to Porfolio from Plotuw8.
Import from text file
Last quotes can be updated, or "imported", from a text file: the
programme looks for one label, or "ticker", and one quote, at
specified positions (fields) in each line of the designated text file.
Press <Psion-I> to open a file selection window, then <Tab> to
navigate to the import file, and <Enter> to confirm the selection.
The first few lines of the import file are displayed. If needed,
press the <Down> arrow to see more. Then confirm:
- date for this update
- position of the field for the ticker
- position of the field for the last quote
- type of field separators (spaces/tabulations or commas)
Export and print
It is not possible to print directly from Porfolio. However two
indirect options are available:
- "Export to spreadsheet" (Shift#002S) produces a spreadsheet
file in the \spr\ directory on the default disk. This
spreadsheet can be used for further calculations or data
storage, or printed from the Sheet application.
- "Export to .pic file" (Shift#002G) produces an image of the
account screen currently displayed (with all the lines of the
account on one "screen"). This image is stored as a .pic file
in the \pic\ directory on the default disk. It can be moved
to a PC and converted (by PsiWin) into a .bmp file, which can
then be printed with a PC programme (eg Word).
Note that it is also possible to print a .pic file directly from the
Psion, but it is usually very slow.
Update from graphs
If historical graphs have been updated separately, it is possible
to "synchronise" the quotes in Porfolio with the latest quotes
recorded in Plotuw8. Press <Psion-G> and for every share:
- the last quote will be set at the latest historical value, if
this latest value is posterior to the one in the Porfolio base
- a new historical record will be created in Plotuw8 in the
opposite case.
A ticker is a character string, or label, which the programme uses
to identify a share in a text file for import. Tickers are also used
to link the name of the shares in Porfolio to the name of their
history graphs in Plotuw8:
- name in Porfolio >> ticker in Porfolio
- ticker in Porfolio = ticker in Plotuw8
- ticker in Plotuw8 >> graph in Plotuw8
Press <Psion-T> in the account display screen to open a "Tickers"
window: tickers are displayed in the right side of the window. Use
arrows (or PgUp / PgDn) to move up and down in the window, then
press <Enter> to enter or update the ticker of a share, when the
name of this share is highlighted. To reach more quickly a share,
you can also press its initial letter.
Press <Psion-+> to open/edit a memo (one for each
account). In the memo editor press <Psion-X> to close
the memo and return to Porfolio.
Press any numerical key to open a
calculator window in the upper left
corner of the screen. Press <Esc>
to close it.
Press <Psion-F> to open a dialog window, where one can specify:
- the default disk, path and name for the text file for import of
quotes. This file name will be proposed each time file import
function <Psion-I> is invoked
- whether new quotes must be automatically recorded in the
history files of the shares, each time quotes are updated. Note
that this is only a yes/no switch. If answer is yes, a ticker and
a history file must still be created (once) for each share
- the account display mode at startup (3 options)
- the starting date for reports on transactions, proposed in
dialog windows (2 options).
Deleting shares or accounts
Call the Housekeeping module <Psion-K>. Some checks
are performed: a share cannot be deleted, if it exists
in one account,...
Password protection
Press <Psion-W> to enter a password and turn the
password protection on or off.
This module works in the same way as the password
protection of the Psion itself. However it does not
provide the same level of security: only a first level
protection against undesired intrusion.
Latest version
For the latest version of this programme (and a few others):
Last update 10 Jul 1997.
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